Hearthatvoiceagain hates the new layout

Yeah, like Cabs21 said, when you are a grown up and use a grown up OS on your devices you don't need everything to have the same logo to get them to work together.

Thank you for responding Brian, It's good to see Mr Marshall getting the credit he deserves. I for one have certainly enjoyed the new scientist acticles posted on Giz and hope you didn't take the cut & paste comment as implying you had stolen it. All in all Giz has posted far better articles then many so called news

@Lupus_Yonderboy: I was wondering the same. Not found any info from any of my sources yet. If it is a separate install I would also assume we will have to uninstall 10.1 first.

Wrong on both counts. Android users could have been being annoyed by flash ads for some time if it weren't for the ability to switch flash to "on demand"

As I understand it. It is as stated. It isn't difficult to do this, you put 2 different apps in the market with different manifest properties. If you set the minimum OS version to 3.0 it wont show for phone users.

Personally I expect everything to work with everything, but then I'm a Linux/Android user so I'm used to that happening.

I was fully aware that no one on Giz wrote this. Hence my comment. Perhaps I should clarify and congratulate Mr Marshall on his work and Mr Barrett on his fine cut and paste skills.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is some sort of edict from gawker central that states that articles cannot be beyond a certain length, hence the number of twitter length articles and this fine work being sliced in half.

So it's cloud computing without the biggest benefit of could computing, that is, the ability to work on any hardware anywhere. It looks like they are simply trying to tie you into something that will increase THEIR revenue.

Now THIS is how you write an article. Well done.

Don't get me wrong, the original article on i09 is good but rather than condensing it or teasing it (by just posting the first paragraph for instance) they posted the first 2 paragraphs and leave it hanging at a stupid point.

Lazy article posting (you can't call it journalism) again.

It's kind of ironic that Apple, who originally pushed webapps over installed apps now seam to be doing the opposite. Can anyone point out any cases where a free web service is matched by a paid app in the store? As this seems the conclusion being drawn is that Apple are pushing people to paid apps and thus more profit.

Good God Man, don't mention bingo in an article about old people, you'll get them all excited.

Ironically I'm twice as old as most of the people here

if it's metric shouldn't it be a fuck-tonne

wee goblins? you mean people thought LCDs were powered by goblin urine?

@eebrenner: Before which time those seniors were probably working and bitching about supporting the previous generation of seniors AND a bunch of bratty ungrateful kids.

@dollarjoseph7: And the font display size needs to be increased.

@Hello Mister Walrus: Well that's something to look forward too. Do we expect the senseless gunning down of our parents to happen as a precursor to this process?