
Thank you. You’re a hero!

She’s a country-fried Jesus Freak. Words mean whatever they want them to mean at any given moment, but they always end up meaning “white Jesus Freaks first, everyone else to the back of the bus”.

Yep, raised on smug lies, shits out smug lies from her bejowled asshole-mouth for a living.

I look at Ivanka in that pic and all I see is

So, you didn’t read Dunham’s tweets then? She came off like having a baby was ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. Or perhaps keeping up with the Kardashians. Hey, they should call their show that!

Yep. This fuckstain only follows the Hypocritic Oath.

Or Juicero? Or Al Capone’s Vault special live show?

It is, but I felt such pressure to find everything immediately since you could not backtrack. And after Super Metroid, I refuse to miss any powerup.

Your point would be valid if 1) that is what I said, 2) Lena Dumbass had said.

I’m not interested in playing the game either, but I do understand putting a sick animal down. I may have to do that soon if the little fuzzball doesn’t respond to treatment.

I guess they’re just such weak pissant fragile little rich white girls that any twinge of jealousy at someone else getting attention or having something they don’t sends then into a tizzy? For these people, the Dunhamites of the world, ‘triggered’ isn’t a genuine state of post-traumatic stress, it’s akin to ‘the

What about baseball mitt conditioner?

What an incredibly stupid response you made there. Just incredibly stupid on a staggering scale.

Concern troll is concerny. Tell ya what sparky, convince Leatherface to put forth that concern without the rest of her bullshit and we’ll talk. Not before.

Then he goes to jail forever, or does flip and gets Pootytooted? Either way, America wins and I grins.

Broom? Baba Yaga drove a sweet ass mortar and pestle I thought!

Didn’t she openly say kids should work in coal mines and factories?

I’m just gonna say it now. When someone I meet tells me they are a Christian, I immediately do not trust them. I back way and put up a mental wall. Because all that Dominionist shit, that has become the true face of Christianity in this nation.

Not since the election it ain’t.

Poor bear. Imagine the indigestion from eating all that tannned leather and sinew.