the fact they are there is reason enough to get mad
the fact they are there is reason enough to get mad
Dear Bethesda, just stop. Put the resources into a better Fallout V. Or E.S. VI
I get that they’re going for this option, because the ‘fun and engaging’ thing sure as shit wasn’t gonna happen.
A few months ago I rented this game to see for myself what Bethesda had done to my favorite franchise. I encountered a real player immediately, many levels higher, who ran in front of me killing all the ghouls so I could not loot them. Then he went to the first C.A.M.P. station and occupied the workstation so I…
how about putting in a great story campaign and offline play? no? then bethesda isnt getting any of my money.
I’ll pick this game up once everyone else has left.
My computer just croaked, but before that the local server mode was my big “wait until” for buying the game. You know, since I don’t really want to deal with lvl 50 X_X_X_EdgELorD420_X_X_X running around with a microphone and swearing at me like he’s just discovered swearing for the first time while spawn camping…
local server mode when?
Soooo, basically the standard “F2P” model?
“Welcome back, Arrow! The A.V. Club is discontinuing weekly coverage...”
I will make one if need be lol.
I agree, which is why I think it’s about the money (it’s always about the money, isn’t it?). Supergirl and Flash are CW’s rating flagships so I guess they want all the publicity they can get? While Arrow not so much (if at all)?
“The A.V. Club is discontinuing weekly coverage for now”
Meaning Netflix paying them money to do reviews.
It’s too bad they’re doing less reviews, but at least they’re filling the void with clickbait and mediocre political coverage.
Unless it’s a Netflix series.
Scare Bear was one of the Revenge Society hopefuls in Bright Lights, Dean City. I guess he’s had a few adventures, since he(?) had both hands and just a chef’s knife back then.
I enjoyed the music. ‘The Wanderer’ song from the Fallout 4 trailer was from 1961. ‘Country roads’ from the 70's and seems like a good fit.
I had the same thought. The world never made it to john denver times.
I think it just means Vault 76 is in West Virginia a la the IRL vault they built under the Green Brier for Congress in the event of nuclear war.