
By “real” SF I just mean books that weren’t based on some preexisting media or generic fantasy, which was what most of my peers were into at the time. I wouldn’t really describe much of what I was reading in high school as Campbellian SF. A lot of it was fairly eclectic and inspired largely by the New Wave movement of

My theory is that fantasy is vastly more popular than SF because a lot of SF and thinking about the future in general just freaks people the hell out. Most people would rather read a story set in a fantasy world than one set in a William Gibson or Kim Stanley Robinson novel dealing with climate change. Or for that

is it me?  I am having a very hard time finding anything that captures my interest in this genre anymore.

Especially the tail section.

Considering Florida is the main porn production hub of Pornhub’s content...

Will Pornhub pull out of Florida?

I haven’t even read the comments, but I am sure they are going to be something something something, no Pinto is worth that much. I was probably ready to be that guy too. But just look at those glorious seats. This thing is very well done, and also, dare I say it, a brown manual wagon.

Now this is going to be against the popular flow like a salmon past the bear in a waterfall, but hear me out.

I can guess which half.

Or, they can continue to make science approachable and fun.

• Corporations do not care about any of us (outside of being mindless consumers), and they only have one goal: To make money at all costs.

“Charities” like this and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are…

Well, let’s be a little more specific here before jumping on the clickbait train. Boeing is in a lot of trouble right now, and if you want to be serious, I think you’d do a lot better to point at the damning FAA report that just came out showing that out of 89 internal Boeing audits, 33 were failed and the company

Is it that bad with ad block turned off? It’s pretty bad even with adblock on.

Meanwhile MacKenzie Scott has given 2x the totality of Musk’s Foundation in the last 4 years. Her approach has been “I trust you do to the right thing with the money” and pushes it out the door.

Remember that time Dumpy wanted to build a new FBI HQ (this was back when he still liked the FBI it seems) near one of his hotels - even though the FBI already had a quite new HQ - so that visitors would be enticed to book rooms at said hotel?

Given that he wants a monopoly on social media apps for disinformation, I would expect him to have Congress pass a law requiring TikTok  to be sold to Truth Social for $1.

I think there is audience fatigue... but with the entire movie watching experience in general.

Movie tickets now cost upwards of $20 per person, are a massive pain in the ass to coordinate, and you’re playing ‘COVID hot box’ roulette with your health every time you go out.

Add to that the increasingly shorter wait

 Or a well-placed hand grenade. 

A giant meteor missed the opportunity of a lifetime.