I agree fully with you. It is incredibly annoying.
I agree fully with you. It is incredibly annoying.
Now do away with daytime running lights that only light the headlamps. Nearly every day, I see someone driving at night with their DRL on, assuming that since they can see ahead of themselves, and their all-electronic dash is lit, then their tail lamps are also lit (they are not). Dark vehicles in unlit areas are…
Ugh, this crap again...
For a show that coasted so much on *vibes* Pizzolatto sure has a high f’ing opinion of his own fun but stupid writing.
I can’t help wondering if there is some misogyny in this and a lot of other criticisms of the season. Honestly, it may be my favorite season of the show.
A little more time at the range and they might have known what gunshots do and do not sound like.
Maybe if somebody has such bad PTSD that they think acorns are gunshots and empty their firearm at the sound of an acorn, they shouldn’t be allowed access to firearms?
I mean oak trees ARE brown afterall.
I was gonna say the same. Thank goodness cops are terrible shots. Essentially point blank and both guns emptied. And the guy is still around? Should be given a get out of jail free card for having to deal with that idiocy.
The oak tree is currently in custody, on charges of resisting an arrest.
Can’t vote:
An informed guess: the Congress didn’t provide any new funding for NHTSA to do this new thing. Writing a new regulation that will survive new legal challenges from deep-pocketed manufacturers, who will be required to spend new money under these new regulations, takes some deliberate effort and prescribed periods of…
The only thing I’m anticipating is how much money I’ll save in 2024 but not going to the movie theater.
“No, really, we mean it!”
Not a lot to get excited about here, ngl
“The most anticipated films of 2024"
Everything about this car is what Elon wishes the Cybertruck was
It sure does, good call.