
“Rapid unscheduled disassembly”

Those mods are great. Unfortunately, the owner will not recoup the cost of those mods because, unless they sell to an Audi aficionado or a speed enthusiast, the mods are actually a negative in terms of reliability.

For the sake of my nearly identical 2014 S4's value I wish it weren’t, but this is definitely overpriced by $6-8k.

If he’s only 21 I’ll be shocked.

Why’s it always a Taurus?

Firstly, I am completely unsurprised to see the word “Florida” featuring in this story; secondly, I look forward to the movie of this dropping on Disney+ next year.

Anyone who stays in, or was in, that orbit gets what they deserve.

“Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion, or there will be no Republicans left,

“That’s nice Ann, but, see sweetie: You’re a woman. And that means you’re a second class citizen in the conservative world. So, if we want to hear your opinion, we’ll come into the kitchen and ask for it. Okay sweetie? Okay.

During the dry years, the people forgot about the rich years, and when the wet years returned, they lost all memory of the dry years. It was always that way.

Melbourne 1907.

Sell it to the Ukrainians for parking fees

I know, Thunder...you’re just asking questions. :)

Holy shit. And we thought Kellyanne Conway looked rough. Also, hubby there still has actual cheeks; he’s obviously been sneaking in some food-type sinning at night.

From the Guardian review of the documentary:

Really hope this egotistical dumbass gets wiped out in 2024, and then finds to her sudden horror that GOP business donors aren’t willing to underwrite her lavish lifestyle and vacations anymore because she doesn’t have anyone who actually wants to deal with her as a lobbyist in the Senate.

“And this is Ari, my babysitter’s boyfriend, because my parents are never home, so these are my replacement parents.”

Nepo-baby of a Nepo-baby? It’s like being in an Esher Drawing...

It’s rap sheet. Record of Arrests and Prosecutions. 

So first thing, “sovereign citizen”, I don’t understand it, I don’t want to understand it, that kid was being a dick and spouting things that try and make him seem smart with dudes who have the authority to shoot you...which brings me to my next point, The cops were way too jumpy. I don’t think the kid could have