As long as you’re ok with the angels stealing it. God’s servants my ass. Bunch of thieving drunks is what they are. No wonder they decided to blast trumpets and sing about some baby to a bunch of sheep and shepherds that were just trying to sleep.
As long as you’re ok with the angels stealing it. God’s servants my ass. Bunch of thieving drunks is what they are. No wonder they decided to blast trumpets and sing about some baby to a bunch of sheep and shepherds that were just trying to sleep.
Hydrogen is less efficient to make and distribute but it has one big advantage, it can be stored. Today much solar power is wasted because the grid has limited storage. It could be used to make hydrogen that can be consumed later.
What’s it like being a short pedo?
Throw in a set of Firestone tires and you’ve got a.....stinkin’ class-action lawsuit that will prevent me from choosing the tires I want on my new car from now on! Thanks for nothing!!!!
I openly admit I came here to post that if nobody else had beaten me to it.
Damn that Duckman unresolved cliffhanger!
Fuck YES to Duckman getting another run. Also new eps. Jason Alexander is always down for it when asked!
I could listen to H. Jon Benjamin’s voice all day though. It wouldn’t matter what he’s saying, it’s just so hypnotic.
Dadmit. Now he can't host Jeopardy!
Who knew that a TV executive would be of such poor moral character? I for one, am shocked.
Thank you. Cosign. My first thought is always, “asshole” (mostly environmentally driven). Or because I’ve had a few tailgate me and that grill seems annoyingly made to intimidate in that instance. Then “small dick.” Or I could be more polite and say “compensatory.”
Shut up, Elon.
Congratulations. This is the straw that broke me. After I publish this comment I will be blocking this site and never returning.
I can’t tell when it exactly happened, but this place has become a total dumpster fire. And inhaling smoke causes cancer.
A “supposedly” feminist site.
What is Jezebel these days? In the run up to the recall, what does posting this do to further the cause of feminism? I’m not denying the facts of the article, but why post this NOW?
wouldn’t it be cool if these ultra wealthy dudes started companies that like fed or housed people instead of dick measuring via rockets
This car will be sitting in someone’s garage needing $20k of work in five years.