Yeah, that’s gonna be sweet. Do you think they’ll install a golden urinal there for the inevitable lineups to piss on his grave, or will it just be free-streaming?
Yeah, that’s gonna be sweet. Do you think they’ll install a golden urinal there for the inevitable lineups to piss on his grave, or will it just be free-streaming?
Well said.
One guy, who I really hope something TRULY awful happens to is Paul Bremmer. He is the REAL architect of most of Iraq’s sorrows. And a good chunk of the USAs And yet, he’s pretty much skated from any responsibility.
So he’s in Mar-A-Gulago then?
““A conclusion by our enemies that the United States lacks the will or the resolve to carry out our missions that demand sacrifice OF YOUR KIDS and demand patience is every bit as dangerous as an imbalance of conventional military power, BUT YEAH, THEY’RE RIGHT.”
Or Wasabi from the Westminster Dog Show. Would definitely up the level of discourse.
I wonder if mom told her to STFU.
Being ignorant, racist and conservative are not mutually exclusive terms. In fact, one might be bold enough to presume that ignorant and racist is pretty much the conservative brand right now.
My first thought. She’s going to channel her inner water-buffalo, Sarah Fuckabee and run for oriface.
Does it not look like the original iMac sprung to life and now rolling around, seeking it’s revenge on humanity?
AMC Pacer 2021!
Does the metrosexual black dude come standard or just an orderable option?
If the design goal was to make me want to gouge out my eyes with dull implements so that the searing pain would make me forget ever having seen this day-glo abortion on wheels, let alone know of it’s actual physical existence, then... goal achieved!
How many RV manufacturers can claim that their rigs have been put into a wind tunnel?
With regard to that whole ‘free’ Canada, the Conservatives wiped out royalties to authors for library and university sales. So in terms of who’s getting paid....keep that one in mind.
Neighbour had one with a rattle in the back end it took him weeks to find. I finally rode in the ‘trunk’ to see if I could isolate it. Finally found the issue” It was a half empty bottle of Jack in the passenger side trim panel.
Oh THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH for that image, which I had thought was permanently deleted from my memory. Just ANOTHER 10 years and it will be gone....
I remember talking to someone, years ago, who was involved in developing some autonomously powered trailers (for long ‘land-trains’ hauling coal, where the tractor would drive, but the powered trailers would kind of drive-by-wire), who told me that government funding is tied to so many regulations, strings and hoops…
Can’t get an appeasement grant from Ottawa. Yet!
It’s like the Leafs or the Arrow...if it looks too close to being good and happening, we have to kill it. It’s just in our DNA and explains why Tim’s coffee and donuts now SUCK!