
Everyone should call her office and ask “Hi, is the Traitor in?? No? How about Yosemite Samantha?” 

My 03 Allroad quattro will probably be the last ICE wagon. Can’t afford new, but I have my 84 and 87 wagons, inline 5's, that are still massive fun. 

It is actually a cunning counter-counterfeiting tool. How do you know it’s a legit door card and not some knock-off? Look at the spelling. If it’s correct, it’s the knock-off.  Jeep is obviously playing the long game. 

This car screams “I haf lost mein vill to liff!” and contains the two deal breaker words...”Ford” and “Taurus”.

These poor things looked tired and old when they came off the assembly line. I might NP it if I were in to doing a resto that really updated the crap out of it....but I’m just not that into it. Hope someone picks this poor thing up; It’s probably perfectly serviceable, but I’d have to go on antidepressants to drive

In hsi mind, we’re all Americans and all his subjects. He just hasn’t conquered us yet. 

“Tell me, do you zink maybe you ver compensating for zomezing with your big space penis?” -Dr. Ruth to Neil Armstrong. 

I had a 405, and a mechanic who had to adjust the carb every fifteen minutes. That thing was the ultimate hangar queen. Sold it for an Buick LeSabre. (Hey, you have to do recovery in stages.)

Totally did not see that coming.

The negative camber thing....I just don’t get it. It took me a while to accept low-riders that bounce..OK, it’s a cultural thing, that I get. Hooning, that I get. Rolling coal...nope. Just stupid. But I truly don’t know what would possess anyone to do that to their wheel mounts. Just nuts. Looks stupid, like a kid

Yeah; my Dad had a B2200 that ran until the engine literally fell out of the rusted frame. Brilliant truck that went anywhere and needed very little maintenance.

Dog knows Japan should have enough of it!

Ah will Niva Niva Evah buy one of these. 

If Rudy’s an Alpha I hate to see the rest of the alphabet. 

Can you imagine? No lawyer wants to represent him, so he has to get a pubic defender??

...as he’s dragged out of the courtroom by his heels in a white coat that zips in the back....ooohhhhh....just got a tingle there.....

WTF is it with Honda and shitty looking wheels? They always look like they were stamped out in a derelict steel plant with leftover battleship plating. 

10+4 on the NP. For $3,500, I’d park it in the front yard just to piss off the neighbours. I already take a lot of crap for driving an Audi in a decidedly Silverado neighbourhood. 

You know, every once in a while, I check myself to see if I’m one of those tinfoil-hat goofballs I used to laugh at. Now, I look for the tinfoil in others, because they’re the sane ones.

What is that on her face mask? And why isn’t she in a full Burka? If you’re going to act like the Taliban, dress like it. Cover up, you immodest whore!