Couldn’t happen to a nicer company.
Couldn’t happen to a nicer company.
Interesting that COVID was able to shut down production after what was most likely rampant militant chlamydia and a thin covering of pond-rock slime coating each ‘cast’ member was unable to do so.
Would she have grounds if the guy didn’t reveal that he was a reporter off the top?
I had a Turdcel for a hot minute; it wasn’t so much a car, but a group of parts rolling in formation. Usually. Sucker would not die, though. The body was a different story.
I gave this such a grudging thumbs-up a) because it’s a wagon, b) it’s a MANUAL wagon, and c) this sucker is going to roll for another 200K easy with any care at all.
I LOLd so hard at this. Neighbour has a Dodge Diseasle that he fires up at 5AM TO GO GET A COFFEE!!! Which is conveniently parked about 5 feet away from my bedroom window. Wouldn’t be so bad but he’s an undercover cop.
Welll.....I’m not so sure. However, who wants to live in an institution???
We had a guy who was SO incompetent he couldn’t even fuck up properly. There was never enough to really pin him down and shit can him, sy they kept moving him to different departments. Eventually, at 58, this guy’s WHOLE JOB was going to client’s workstations, unplugging them, putting them on a trolly and taking them…
I worked at a health region where a director of medicine would REGULARLY bollix the entire mail server by hitting Reply All to the most mundane emails. We’re talking around 40,000 addresses here, so it would gum up the works BADLY for an hour or so.
It can be if he’s running a PS-2 at home.
Oh he’s gonna fit RIGHT in....
After all, his dad DID shoot JFK, so it would kinda run in the fambly.
After all, he has no alibi...
Nawp. Can’t get past the Lexus. Had an LX and hit a moose. I was a little beaten up by the air bags, but there was more left of the moose than there was of the LX. Unsafe at any price.
Pasta la vista, baby.
I’m seriously thinking of building one of these for my wife, with a lock on the outside.
The entire ‘legal’ team is the walking definition of Whackjob.
Yeah, it was just kinda there, wasn’t it.
Oh, yes, baby, yes yes yes....if loving you is wrong, I don’t wanna be right!
I’ve always loved the look of these, but unfortunately, I’ve known way too many people that have owned them. There were the dog diesels. The crazy drop-magnet-overdrive trannys. The flakey bodies. The aerodynamics of an F4-Phantom (that is to say...none.). And the idea that with each one, you roll the dice. “Did I get…