
The frustrating thing is that they’ll not sell a shit-ton of them and use it as justification for not bringing more reasonably priced Avants back in favor of fugly Q’s.

The idea that you can make anything stronger by adding TP-Link to the mix is like saying “I want to keep my stereo ALL SANYO!”

The idea that you can make anything stronger by adding TP-Link to the mix is like saying “I want to keep my stereo

Or, you could just stick your fingers down your throat and save yourself the trip.

Hunter Thompson called...he wants his personna back. 

Sucks, and not in a good way. I had one of the originals, and used it for over a decade. 13 friggin’ feral cats at once, this thing was a godsend. I was a full-on Dyson evangelist. Then these came on sale and I bought a new one. Mistake. Heavier, yet the plastic is cheaper, the canister opening mechanism is sticky and

Sucks, and not in a good way. I had one of the originals, and used it for over a decade. 13 friggin’ feral cats at

I think the most disturbing things are 1) that anyone gets wrapped up in this and 2) that anyone can understand what the hell this is all about. It’s a fucking video game! If you don’t like it, don’t play it or build a better one yourself if you’re so hot.

In the town I live in, a 32-year-old woman was brought in to my ER yesterday with her face blown off. Her husband was downstairs with their daughter, “showing her” his 12-gauge shotgun, which he has a permit for, had to complete firearms training for, had to keep in a gun safe with a trigger lock on it. The gun was,

Why I’ve shot some of my best wild game at an Arby’s!

“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God”, But of course there were no gas-powered wood chippers in 4 BC.

Not as bad as I feel for her. But there is this from her Wikipedia profile...

GOD NO! That could only lead to that being more of them, and NOBODY needs that!

If they just wanted to vote for a white woman, there are multiple options. I see KlubKlob as a cowardly vote. She’s the female version of a half dozen other former contenders ( especially Delaney) who just can’t see beyond the end of their noses. Listening to her is a soporific. Warren’s the one who could crack a

I’m going to go a whole ‘nother way with this. Oprah was on NBC ginning up sympathy for King. That in itself is semi-remarkable, considering how closely she’s been linked with CBS, but...OK: she’s Oprah, she’s pretty much everywhere. But I’m wondering if CBS is having buyer’s remorse for paying Gayle $11 million for

Buying the Presidency: $500 million.
Getting to be the one to personally turf Donald J. Dump into the trashbin of history: Priceless. 

I wonder what a real journalist (in other words, NOT Gayle King, FOO) would do with it. Every time I see her a voice in the back of my head goes “Eleven Million bucks? Seriously??”

Can that medal be revoked? Like, by someone sane?

Seriously hope she’ll ditch after Iowa. She SHOULD have bailed out long before this, but she’s too dumb to do that. She’s ‘Doing A Nader’ by keeping the field as large as it is, keeping the presumptive nominee from shifting away from “I can beat Trump” to addressing the things that make Trump attractive to The Base,

Yadda yadda yadda...”..a bunch of whiney little bitches.”

And the sound, overall, totally sucked. Aerosmith with RunDMC was barely audible, except to note how badly Joe Perry played. Or didn’t play. With all the tsmimmis about their drummer not being ‘up to performing standards’ the whole BAND should have retired after that.

I take in very hard cases. Cats no one in their right mind would want. Generally, it takes a year of patient understanding and study, but they all come around. Like pit bulls, there’s no bad cat, just bad owners. And I agree: She’s probably badly missing her original owner.