“...The Greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history, by far!”
“...The Greatest Witch Hunt in U.S. history, by far!”
Could this sketch be made today with Billy Crystal playing Sammy in blackface??? Why, I’m surprised the interwebz hasn’t ‘SPLODED just loading this clip!
“...it is ultimately Franken who made the decision to step down. “
Not that there was any pressure on him to do it, as you indicate in the previous several hundred words.
Mr. Crosbie: Next in line for a deGrasse-kickin’!
A few things here, and not to be snotty, just....years and YEARS of experience and vet bills.
Just the usual: There’s love in the world, it will all be OK, everything will work out...all the hits.
It;s OK, you can bet Terry and his band of inbred spawn aren’t getting paid either.
With spinners and pneumatic lifters. Who says white people got no soul?
Isn’t that the rule, nine months and you’re out?
...verging on ‘bothered’.
Yup. It’d put a Cirque du Soleil acrobat to shame the number of ways they can suck their own dicks and STILL call it cunnilingus.
Not enough stars.
That’s OK, Meghan: It’s embarrassing for us to see you on TV too.
Is that coke under his right nostril? Paranoia, check. Impotence, check. Compulsive bat-shit crazy behaviour, check.
What self-respecting sociopathic autocrat wouldn’t be? Gilead, here we come!
I want one. Is that wrong?
OK, nasal nespresso on that one....
Oooooooohhh.....humminahumminahummina......I’m gonna need a minute.....
The song Roy Orbison didn’t write: “Only Pelosi....know the way I...feel tonight....”
Oregon=West coast Florida. But Oregon is faster to type.