
Y’know, straight old white sisexual guy here; I fucking love this show. It’s the most original, frank, fearless, artistic and ballsy thing I’ve seen on ANY kind of tv since maybe Twin Peaks. It is a quantum leap forward and it’s loss is sad, but sic transit gloria mundi. I am so goddamn happy it will, at least get

From the headline, I thought TRUMP was the one bleeding badly (Breeding badly? He’s got that covered. Eric.) and I thought “Oh, this makes SO much SENSE now! They lifted him so much his ass is where his mouth should be! Just like THIS guy!”

More like Norman Bates.

He doesn’t act as if it’s normal (NOT to take away from your well-controlled and more than justifiable rage, my friend) he acts as though it’s his RIGHT. This ‘man’ is the walking, talking definition of a fascist. And he enjoys the title.

Why is this fuckwit smiling?

OK, so ‘splain to me why it is we ‘celebrate’ the birth of Christ in ‘the deep midwinter’ when he was born in the spring???

I love how people stand on principal...because there isn’t enough money to sit on yet.

Do people in the entertainment industry start out this stupid, or is it something they devolve into?

Basically what I came here to say. Even if you use a management company to keep the place rented and maintained (BE CAREFUL! THERE ARE A LOT OF BAD ONES!) you’ll be further ahead. If you can’t afford to live there alone it means that you’re never going to be able to get back in to that market again. Use an cheap-ass

The product of years and years of education cuts: Eventually, there are enough dumb people to elect one of their own into an ideocracy. That, plus the smart people have stopped reproducing.

Feminism, gender stereotyping, goals..yadda yadda yadda. May I point out that if there is ever to be ‘true equality’ (WTF that MEANS...) people really have to stop using dick or the lack of it as a measuring device. I mean, yay for this record, but it’s kind of like a hall-of-famer asterisk. Oh, it did GREAT box

“...but he still can’t hit the toilet bowl when he’s standing right over the damned thing!” -Mrs. Sniper.

You know, I’d pay real money to see Johnny Knoxville run up to that puss-bag McConnell and kick him HARD in the nuts.

Great handle, Frau Bleucher!

Looks like a good time to ditch Netflix to me....

OMFG...like our attention spans aren’t short enough, we have to reduce them to that of a cracked-out weasel in a burning hen house.

...and yet, you will. In unison. Like a Greek chorus.

I don’t know WTF NBC was thinking hiring her. She has ZERO credibility among people that actually watch news and made her bones on being a partisan hack. NBC’s race to the bottom continues.

  • What was the relationship between Lyles and police that made police think two cops needed to be sent to her home?

Have you ever seen two more punchable faces in your life??? They look like each others evil twin.