
LOVE IT! Where’s this from?

Exactly. If he wasn’t successful, you aren’t an American. Amazing how long it takes for a president to be considered a failure. Some happen right away (GWB, although compared to Trump he’s looking like a Rocket Surgeon) and some take perspective (Taft).

Why suh, how DARE you cast aspersions on the good name and character of (I shit you not,) Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, THE THIRD!

Hey! Look at that gaggle of Death-Cult Barbies! Rare to see them out in such numbers this time of year!

Add to that David O. Russell. NEVER watching another piece of shit by him again.

I think this is the first in a looooooong line of lawsuits the Glimmer Twins will end up being named in. I think the dream of having Hilary testifying in a ball gown is going to look quaint compared to what Frack and Fricken’ Frack are going to have to answer for.

Hey! What’s the sun ever done to you???

PLEASE check out the new Case/Lang/Veirs cd... well worth it, and they kick ass live.

Not only are they not going to get rich like he promised, they aren’t going to win, be any better off, or be able to staunch the flow of blood OUTWARD. I have been unable to stop watching the all-news channels (CBC mostly,) and the interviewers always ask “Is he really going to be like he was on the campaign trail?”

Um...how are we supposed to embrace and unite behind THIS??? How do you convince them they’;re in error? How do you tolerate this?

Welcome back, lil’ buddy.

Gee, Sam, looks like you picked the wrong year to become an American. And, uh, no taksies-backsies.

I agree. Politics is made by people who show up. Why did you and the rest of the world get The Donald? Because his people showed up.

America...what have you done?????

Agreed. Obama had a good point that it’s the people you don’t agree with that you have to talk to, and that’s been one of the great failings of the democratic electoral process. For example, look where we are. We tend to gravitate toward people with a similar POV, whether it’s a Black Lives Matter rally or the

Any Brahmin can see that....

FDR: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”, and the leaders these days do a VERY good job of divide and conquer, and keeping the sheeple nervous. You’re right that things are tenuous enough that the prospect of losing it all in the next lost paycheque is a very real and exploitable fear for most people. Then

Oy...forgot about the NF, but you’re right of course. This planet is getting a lot less civil. I remember Alvin Toffler’s book Future Shock....I get the feeling that’s a lot of what we’re seeing.

Two words: Oswald Mosley. How long before a ‘paramilitary’ hate group fires up with no governmental oversight to keep it in check and a silent majority to keep the fire burning?

It’s amazing what lies just below the surface, isn’t it? That you don’t see, until someone gives them permission to let it out for a walk?