
Yeah, because all the GOOD Cum Laude Chem-eng jobs are at Foxconn. We’re going to MAKE Koch bring those jobs back here. And it’s pronounced ‘JINA!”

I’m really hoping they have to divest themselves of some pricey, tax-free real estate in downtown NY to pay off those who won’t go quietly. The city could use the cash. Or, you know, Frankie could just sell-off a Rembrandt or 5.

What do you want to bet it’s a relative?

...plus his sister’s out of town, so there goes the whole weekend.

The fuckwits who gave him the credentials are the ones to be pilloried.

You just described the entire population of Trump Tower.

I’ve heard it said by investigators time after time that the personality profile of a spy is an introverted person with a Walter Mitty complex. So, hoarder or not, he’s probably going to burn.

I believe Leslie Feist had something similar go on. Travel broadens the mind, no two ways about it.

...and all because she wouldn’t give him a blow-job after Roger asked her to. Some people just can’t let go of a grudge.

I can’t remember the name of the chef that was on (can’t remember if he won or just placed) a couple of seasons back on Top Chef, who has been doing ads NON-FUCKING STOP for Portland on Vancouver BC TV. He’s massaging a chicken in a cradle with a little mobile over it...more than a bit creepy, if you ask me.

Well! Someone had a big ‘ol bowl of Kellogg’s Bitch Flakes this monrin’...

In Russia, plane lands on YOU! ...or something like that..

“If you have four hours to kill, you can read the full transcript and watch the full videos on BuzzFeed.”

‘When Feerless Bleeder says “You land on this mark!” you land on mark, even if you gotta drop plane out of fucking SKY!’

Jesus fuckin’ Christ: First he vetos a tampon tax (a Tampox, if you will) and now another mandatory minimum. Jerry Brown has left the reservation folks, and he’s headed for the alfalfa again. Governor Moonbeam is just a garden-variety goddamn loon now.

If the object is to create emotion, score.

Loved the piece on Daily Show last night: “So, is this what it’s like being white? You can just say ‘No’ to shit whenever you like?”

Naw, pretty sure they’re eventually going to find him in a room at Howard Johnson’s with a bottle of Stolly and a goat.

The real answer is that’s where Willy keeps his Willy, and it takes aaaall those vent holes to keep Willy’s willy cool.