
I guess we should start storing them in the attic


I know in some states the answer is yes, but my guess is that in Arizona discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is NOT ILLEGAL , so what does this really accomplish other than hurt feelings and animus?

well it doesn't help that you have sophists like Krugman blowing up news outlets with just one half of the analysis. I don't what kind of economist he purports to be, but it feels like he considers himself above using actual data

Exactly ! This works for the GAP because people don't mind paying more for the product, nor do they seek out entry level job market participants who can't deliver that value. But using the minimum wage to treat income inequality is like mandating better food quality controls aaa means to treat hunger.

or do something useful like engage the media instead of pulling ridiculous FEMEN and OWS style stunts. When theyre the object of attention it detracts from the real issues.

I'm getting Pussy Riot fatigue. Wake me up when they actually do something interesting

racism is everywhere

refusing to acknowledge pervasive racism in our social-political institutions is no better than condoning it. That's a fact and you are a de facto racist. This is supposed to be a safe place for minorities to call out racist macro and micro aggressions where we see it, and your mansplanations for why we are just

Listen man, save your white apologies for the "Men's Rights Activists" forums. no one here buys this "you're racist against whites" schtick your peddling

wow , "reverse racism"? You're checking all the boxes here

Not sure why you're so intent on espousing your colorblind racism narrative. Let me guess, you think racism is over because Obama is president now too?

Ohh poor persecuted white female . Am I supposed to feel sorry for you?

and where's the national outrage there???
White folks get a pass. Black folks get blasted.

If she was white this wouldn't have been an issue

I guess that's, like, your opinion man

but noooo, the prison system should be reformed to better rehabilitate prisoners to be happy members of societeeee
-Cross posted on gawker

20 weeks? As in five months? As in when the baby is viable? If Dems took positions like this they'd have a much better shot in red states

When did they cross post to jezebel?

what an unfortunate image of Anna Kendrick