
I am actually in a situation similar to the first letter except that the closeted guy is my ROOMMATE (one of two) ! How do I get out of this? He gets crazy jealous when I don't hang out with him and says stuff like "you're my roommate man, were supposed to be close" and he once sent me a three paragraph rant about how

IF he suffered that injury, but somehow in your wealth of medical knowledge you've overlooked the actual science regarding seizures that accompany unconsciousness during MTBI/concussion episodes, which indicates that what you said is probably some bs

how have you overlooked that creepy-wife-stealer guy is RICK FROM THE WALKING DEAD!!!

so, when it comes to sexy times what does IT feel like from the guy's perspective post-op? my gaybros have always said "dude, you may already know and not even realize it," but I really can't believe that medical science has progressed that far for it to be indistinguishable. I'm curious.

I wasn't replying to the drum I was replying to the other person. w the commenting system I think everyone is new here. but thanks for the pony.

undo yourself

"But I don't want to be a pirate!"

I don't know why you replied to me but the joke is my gf won't let me put it in her butt.

I know what TMZ is . It's a gossip blog

"It seems like, to me, a vagina—as a man—would be more desirable than an anus. " — Sounds like my girlfriend every birthday

like I meant. Like it's content is aimed
target stereotypically "gay" men

those sound like really gay websites. And I don't mean gay as a pejorative . I really mean like they are websites targeted for gay men.

"geek man" is an oxymoron

some dude who looked like Hamilton Nolan sat across the empty center seat from me on a plane (me in aisle, him in window), and proceeded to start chowing down on two disgusting Wendy's burgers. That's gross enough, but I though 'fine, dudes got to eat.' But then when he's done he puts all the Wendy's remnants in a bag

meanwhile Iran and North Korea are still welcome to participate in FIFA competitions

wow did not expect to be body shamed here....
Wait, was this supposed to prove my comment right in an irreverent way?

Isn't it normally women who are lobbing these criticisms in the first place? I've never heard a [straight at least] man say "oh that bitch is so faaake"

"cheating" is a strange word to use. Wtf is there some sort of honor code around video games? They're video games. They're not real competitions like track, bowling, chess, or even darts. who gives a fuck?. It's like giving an award for watching the most movies of netflix. Would someone get pissed and call it

"sideline reporter sexually assaulted on national TV. Media jokes about it" - Jezebel headline

what an absurd discussion.