
Who Gat

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

People from single-parent households show as significantly more likely to identify themselves as victims and also more likely to have trouble reading, apparently?

Administrators are not your friends, college activists.

“Whats the state of our UNION, Marchman?”

(“LAWS, yes, I know many laws, and I will enforce them BEAUTIFULLY”).

1. Hey, why you gotta shit on store-bought pasta? Fresh pasta and dried pasta are two completely different things, with high- and low-quality versions of both. Some pasta dishes just seem weird with fresh pasta instead of dried.

Yes. Because that’s what most internet commenters do — whine like they think anyone who makes these things gives a shit.

I’m still excited for the movie, but I feel like this trailer is just...okay. I mean, great, it looks like they kept a lot of the beats (including, unfortunately, three white Ghostbusters getting a black friend only after they’ve established themselves). But it just feels like “oh, hey, Ghostbusters...you all remember

I’m not sure why everyone is getting so butthurt - not a vegetarian myself, but I don’t see anything offensive about the way in which you’re offering your opinion. People take this stuff so personally.

Just look at the comments here. Someone makes the case for eating less meat and a bunch of people pee their pants and hurl insults. Some people have super thin skin when it comes to their diets, despite the fact that many of those same people make fun of the obese.

Every time a story like this “crops” up I have to take the opportunity and sound like a Peta Whacko (though I am in reality an ex-beef eater that places NO judgement on those that do eat meat).

Cool. Let me try to explain it to you.

Let us enjoy things.

I like BBT. It doesn’t offend me because I don’t identify with any of these characters. I’m a nerd, I love comics and sci-fi and have engaged in conversations like the Frozen one with friends. But I’m not a scientist in the academic world. I’m not an engineer who’s worked with NASA. I’m not a chemist or rep for a

Always impressed by the cognitive dissonance on display when fans of the Pats, Yankees, Duke, etc, associate themselves with good guys/underdogs/upstarts in pop culture.

CAVEAT: I really enjoyed TFA.

This also could’ve been avoided if maybe early adopters stopped acting like off-the-cuff remarks from developers of unreleased products counts as “marketing”? I mean, just a thought.

This is a complete outrage. I don’t know how we as Americans can stand for this.