Souffle Girl

I didn't know what DT was at first (haven't read it yet, but it comes HIGHLY recommended by many friends), then I read the 1st line, and was like OHHHHH yup...

Perfect. Made my day.

Other than when she was the college love interest of Ted Mosby (I mean Josh Radnor, because in both instances it could work) in his independent film or the wife and mother of Kickass's child in Godzilla? She makes me feel like I haven't accomplished anything with my life.

Mulan is always left out and people use the argument that she isn't necessarily a princess, but she's sometimes there and sometimes isn't... Guess she'd be on the lower end and below Snow White.

In a dream my good sir, in a dream...

Or with a good blunt.

This is why I want to be cremated.

Is it bad that I expected worse then thought oh, this isn't as bad as I thought it would be...

I've seen these at UC Berkeley, they're usually right where low trees and ferns are growing. They're pretty big. Think of one of those personal exercise trampolines. And the spider is smack dab in the middle about the size of a quarter.

I've seen these at UC Berkeley, they're usually right where low trees and ferns are growing. And the spider is smack dab in the middle about the size of a quarter.

The down tilt and pee pole....

I have named my light blue smart car Squirtle.

I'm still stuck at, he compared Ren & Stimpy to Legend of Korra, not even in the same comparison field...genre...

Oh she's old, that explains it. (Doesn't forgive it, just explains it.)

Totally agree. We hired some girls who immigrated from Belarus and one was working brunch with me. She asked me how to interact with guests for certain plates. Like what to ask, one of which was "eggs any style", she asked what type of styles there are. (We also have a POS system that prompts the server what style,

Other than the girl who plays the Doctor's Daughter is actually, in real life, one of the Doctor's daughters AND ends up marrying David Tennant.

The lust one sounded horrible...

What's in the box!!?!?!

Damn and I thought it was going to be a Seven ATE Nine sort of deal...

Me too! Loved it though.