
Thank you. I came around again to say this about Perfect. Even as a 9-year-old (JLP was my first CD!), it was pretty crystal clear to me that it’s about shitty parents, not self-image. That’s not because I was exceptionally bright, but because the lyrics are literally a parent gently berating and then rage-screaming

Same. And if rethinking and then weakly roasting a feminist icon because your husband might think she’s lame isn’t ironic, I don’t know what is. Or is  it? Isn’t it ironic? Lemme go ask my husband. 

ding ding ding!

Tracy Clark-Flory Is Actually Very Wrong???

Easy. Facebook purges all accounts of American users born before 1975. We don’t even need to get twitter or anyone else involved; the vast majority of shitty white boomers never found them to begin with. Sure, they’ll still have Fox News, but they’ll just go back to yelling at the TV instead of sharing factless word

I can’t believe someone with the kind of money Jr. has hasn’t been told by a stylist, phtographer, PR person—literally anyone—to not let thier mouth hang open like that because it makes him look like a goddamn cartoon simpleton waiting to choke on a fly. But then I look at his dad and remember you can’t tell these

I can’t stand that shit. My eight-year-old nephew will watch his “favorite Youtubers” unbox toys for hooouuurs if he can get away with it, and he’s definitely not alone. I’m not one of those “the internet/smartphones/social media is ruining the world” people, or a “back in my day” person. I spent a lot of my youth

You skipped “difficult to work with.” Or was that the new “she won’t suck my dick”? I get them so mixed up sometimes!

Exhausting is definitely the word for it! 

I remember what it felt like my first semester of college, on the other side of my state from home. How it felt to realize that my mother could not knock on my door at any moment and then burst in screaming at me for having the nerve to tell her “just a minute!”. That she could no longer follow my daily actions and

Yeah, but they still have to be the people in Pentatonix, sooo.......I don’t really get your point?

God I was so pumped about this movie because “Wrapped Up” sounded so beautiful in the second trailer and the lyrics suggested a fresh and sobering take on school gun violence, and I usually love Sia. So I downloaded the first three singles as soon as they became available. And . . . huge let-down. Third line in, in a

I totally agree. I made that original comment in 2012 from a place of ignorance and I’m not proud of it. Thank you for speaking up! 

non-college educated white men are doubling down on their love for him.

She did, but all it took was Fox Mews cutting the context away from her speech on the subject and playing only the part where she says “We’re gonna put coal-miners out of work*” a few times to convince my family and entire home state of WV to call for her head. God forbid they use thier smartphones to actually look

Indeed, all political dialogue from start to finish was conducted at a third grade level.”

never forget

God these people are dumb. 

I had to give that track three or four listens the other day while walking through my city in the rain. I couldn’t get enough of it. Same with Is That Alright? Gets me right in the gut. It should be illegal to produce a song with that much emotional impact without a warning label.  

I’m so excited for you! I was first in line last night to see it, Gaga shirt on, waiting for friends I met at BTW Ball. I was too overwhelmed with pride and happiness to even cry during the movie, not to mention frozen by the prospect of getting to watch her face do something new on a huge screen for two whole hours.