
You know there are women (i.e. trans women) who have penises, right?



I realize this is an old comment, but I'm really curious about what the Bismarck of Russia is. I'm asking because I lived for half a year in what I consider the Cleveland of Russia (Irkutsk).

Oh my god, I'm so glad you said that about the garbage disposal. I could see the set-up coming the second the spoon went down the sink and I could barely watch the rest of the scene, I was so uncomfortable. I kept pausing and squeamishly turning away. Maybe it's because I've never lived in a place with a garbage

Seriously, when Korra fell through the glass it didn't even register for a second what a problem it was because for Aang heights were a non-issue. But then Lin had to let the chi-blockers get away to save her. Come on, Korra, learn your airbending!

@olivececile:disqus  me too! I was like "oh, it's THAT song… I can't remember where I've heard it but it's definitely a college thing, maybe it got popular at my college?"

Not to mention that thing is way too small to be a sex toy. The version she gave Ben, I mean. Not the Washington Monument.

It was straight-up Leigh Bowery realness, and everyone throwing shade over it needs to study up on their drag history and pay some respect.

I loved it and came here expecting an unequivocal A. Just to put my small vote in.

I don't know, Anna Karenina seemed to do pretty well after the dead racehorse bit.

I've definitely heard other queens use "he" on this show before. I actually really like that the show plays so fast and loose with pronouns, from occasionally referring to the other queens as "he" to Ru's constant "just between us goyls" no matter who is on the panel. Because really, it's a show about ladyboys, who

Drag is about taking risks. Right back to the roots of it. The thought of a safe, marketable drag queen goes against the very spirit of drag. I love Chad and think she's amazing, but the fact that Sharon is the riskier choice is exactly why she should win.

No, we know the person who met the mother is Ted. The long-running question is who the mother is.

I'll give you the bits he wrote about the hats, but the way too pat "I think I finally understand war!" ending was definitely for the documentary crew. I think he shied away from having an emotion.

I disagree based on the evidence that the episode where she goes ridiculously over-the-top in flirting with everyone at work is amazing. "I lick everything, from small envelopes to big packages."

I think the difference is that Happy Endings is a much sillier universe than HIMYM. You can believe that stuff and find it funny more easily in Happy Endings, because the show is always a bunch of ridiculous situations spinning out of control. HIMYM wants us to take those characters and their lives seriously, but not

Oh man, the weirdest thing for me was Jiggly saying "I can't have come this far just to get sent home!" Um… yes you can. That's how the competition works. Either you're going to get sent home at SOME point, or you win… and I can't believe Jiggly is delusional enough to think she's going to win.

I had that moment of "damn, good editing" when they played the cymbal crash over Jiggly feeling her boobs before the wet T-shirt contest. Subtle, but perfect.

"Dear Willam, you have a very beautiful body but you have a man-face." I had to pause to stop laughing at Phi-Phi's matter-of-fact delivery of that line, and then again when Willam also started to laugh.