
I also thought it was a Penny Arcade reference. Now I think it was using Dick Wolf's name to reference Penny Arcade, which is EXTRA CLEVER. Well done, 30 Rock. Well done.

Ohhhhhhhhhhh. I was totally thrown off by the previous line, when I heard "breathing through her nose" my mind was still on "yeah, that DOES sound like yoga".

I also heard "hot guy", but I heard it as "I'll be a hot guy". I thought she was referencing the guys you're supposed to name who you want to marry, and that she wanted to be one of them. I have to admit, "Hawkeye" makes a lot more sense.

Oops, you're right, I was thinking of the train leaving bit.

I think the reason it wouldn't have worked is that the American Jen was horrible. The British Jen totally held the show together, she was awesome. American Jen couldn't act for shit.

I'm still disappointed that the American version of the popular Hispanic telenovela Lalola never made it. I used to watch the version from Spain and it was campy and fun, and by all reports the Argentinian version was even better. James van der Beek was supposed to be in it!

That was Annie.

New Pornographers in the S4 finale. That's an iconic perfect music + powerful moment scene for me.

"her return from the Moscow butter festival"

Yeah, @avclub-6139121fbeb379a29f3152e2197d53fd:disqus, the casual looseness with spending money is what sticks out to me. Ava having celebrity problems, that's fine, she's a celebrity. That's the premise of her character. But buying everyone beers, and particularly the ridiculously high bidding between Chris and his

Is that sarcastic, @avclub-7f7e803ee2d1481fd805f34086a52c37:disqus? Genny Cream is the only cheap college beer I can stand. When your other choices are Pabst and Keystone, Genny Cream is the best!

Yeah, it didn't work this episode because I already bought Glamazon after the last season finale. What can I say, Ru's music is stupidly catchy. I love Click Clack.

What I loved about the "abbreves" thing is that Penny really does do that all the time, and someone could reasonably find it annoying. That is, they didn't just make up a new personality quirk for her just to get the guy to break up with her, which a lot of shows would have done.

I was upset when Liz and Carol broke up, because I really liked them together, but their amazing breakup made it worth it. If Criss has to go, I expect them to somehow top that.

I agree with most of this, but Mila was absolutely second behind Seth Aaron to me, and I wouldn't have minded her collection winning if Seth Aaron hadn't been so personally and fashionistically awesome. Mila's collection was certainly better than others that have won PR (Anya, Irina). Emilio's collection was godawful.

Guy, what if you're the plucky comic relief?

Man, your last sentence meshes with my experience. I remember one time being so excited that I was finally, FINALLY not single on Valentine's Day. My girlfriend was all "can I come over on Friday" or whenever it was, and internally I was like, I know what THAT means, awesome romantic Valentine's Day for me! Then when

I had the same thought about Mondo's dress. I own that nail polish and as soon as Mondo's model walked out I was like "Oh, it's the dress version of Excuse Moi!"

That made me rewind. I can't remember the last time juggalos were referenced on a sitcom.

Wow, I totally disagree about Jane. She's a control freak, but she has these ridiculous moments of letting go and being silly with Brad that redeem her and take her out of Claire territory, in my opinion. It's easy to see why she and Brad get along so well, even though Brad is more easy-going.