I just saw this on Kanye’s blog:
I just saw this on Kanye’s blog:
I’d guess a lot of VWs growth issues stem from a tendency to build cars with a bevy of reliability issues and the reputation that results.
I don’t throw the word ‘hero’ around lightly, but you sir, are a true American Hero. A hero of not reading things, and then telling us you didn’t.
Old-school Rolls Royce is actually a great suggestion. They're so cheap you won't give a shit about street parking it, the hell it will give you will be hilarious for us to read about, and you won't attract too much attention because they don't stick out that much.
Okay, I win.
Just gunna leave this here.
My name is Elmer J Fudd, I own a Mansion and a Yacht......
One simple trick to get you Approved commenter status.
International. They still make commercial vehicles, but not consumer trucks.
Somebody at FA should do a full writeup on what a hypothetical 21st century surface engagement would actually look like. Would it just be salvo after salvo of missiles trying to squirm past missile defense until someone can't fight anymore? Are modern surface ships just helpless targets for submarines and aircraft?
"If you want fun, then listen to this: Macau's hottest club is Louis XIII. Club promoter Hung is back, and this time he's gone crazy. Jump in and join a dance party where you'll see twinks, gypsies, grown men in wedding dresses, a cat from a bodega, puppets in disguise…It's that thing like when Alf wore a trench coat,…
R. Lee Ermey for Jeep. A match made in heaven :)
First thought was the Flex if going for new (and Volvo 760/740/940/960 for used... Or a Taurus wagon).
This is why police departments need tanks.
"When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." To this day, especially in times of "disaster," I remember my mother's words and I am always comforted by realizing that there are still so many helpers – so many…
The Lamborghini Countach.