
Not mentioned is that these things are terrible for dogs, especially older ones. Jumping high enough to get into these things is going to be hard for your faithful friend over the years. Does no one ever think of the puppies? What about the puppies?!?!

I would add that if I’m passing in the passing lane at 75 mph, you don’t get to tail gate me because you want to pass at 90. If I can’t see your headlights because you’re so close I will slow down.

I worked in auto parts stores in high school. We used to call competitors and ask for parts that didn’t exist. “I need a thermostat for a ‘68 Beetle.” “Do you have a hub cap gasket for ‘85 Dodge Omni?” We had too much free time. We also made up with creative ways to destroy people’s cars with products in the store.

We elected a successful businessman. Following his path to riches, America needs to be bankrupted a few times until we get a reality show, then sell America’s name to actual business people who pay their contractors and run efficient businesses rather than banging porn stars and saying dumb racist things about

“DUDE I LOVE MY VIBE. We bought it last year to replace a blown out neon and it’s been the best...”

When are you going to do a Jason Drives at the Volvo Trucks headquarters? You live down the street from them in NC. Maybe they’d let you and your son camp out in one. It’s close enough you could park the Pao next to it for perspective.

My aunt has a rainbow flag sticker on her car. She parked crooked in a spot at Home Depot. We were in a rush or something. When we came out there was a note on her car that said: “Someone should teach you how to park, someone straight.” Of course it’s offensive because it’s homophobic, but the double meaning makes it

New Jersey is like a banjo player. Being made fun of is part of the charm.

Says you.

He is working for an American company now. He must see how well Trump is doing insulting everyone. He wants to fit in. Aww.

Oh my sweet Flying Spaghetti Monster! From their website you can get Zamboni swag! My faves are the “My other car is a Zamboni” license plate frame and the RC Zamboni! There is even a Zamboni driving app! Who knew?


An automated truck wouldn’t need to those limits on how long a driver can be on the road in a given day. Automated rigs don’t get sleepy. That should save companies a lot of money as well.

Sounds a bit like Land Rover... but who would buy those things?

Also, it’s a car from an Italian/American company. Maybe that is part of the statement too.

An honest question: What makes the LR such a great car, on par with a Porsche turbo? From my side of the screen, it looks like an unreliable, impractical luxury offroad vehicle that is almost never driven off road. Philly streets are bad, but really? Fancy luxury features are nice, but when you never know if they will

I know about your Land Rover. Do you think it is a normal car? Would you call it a normal car without that warranty? Oh wait, I’m explaining a joke... That’s not good. Nothing. Thank you. Have a nice day. I enjoy your writing.

What is your “normal” car?

You probably could fit a cement mixer in the back of a Honda Fit. Magic seats!

Whoo! We’re number 13! North Carolina! Our state motto is “Esse quam videri”. It means “To be (a shitty driver), rather than to seem (like a shitty driver)“. At least we’re better than South Carolina. They’ve been reckless since Ft. Sumter.