
I did this about 10 years ago. Living in an apartment complex and noticed some shady goings on with the people across the courtyard. Kids in and out but never for long and the kids looked unclean and hungry. Went on for awhile and finally I needed to do something. Called the police. The place got raided. Turned out

This is why neighbors need to call Child Protective Services and anonymously report any suspicious activity. If you are wrong, so what? If you are right and do nothing; then this is the result. Be noisy; listen to your gut.

But wait, don’t they also want to tell us in side-eyeing detail what the difference between a pedophile and an ephebophile is? That’s surely an important distinction we need to make at all times

Is Wendi Deng the most charming woman in real life or what? It seems like she makes friends and lovers of powerful people, but what is she bringing to the table?


They hitched her wagons to her for a reason. She needs to understand that reason.

One of the 100 women who signed that first letter went on France national radio days later and claimed that women can even get an orgasm while being raped. That’s when the shit really hit the fan hence a few who signed the letter are backtracking. The young women of France are very pissed off by those older white

If they’re being honest here about their ignorance, they shouldn’t be in charge of anything.

Yep. We make it clear that men can’t hit one another, and everyone seems to accept that’s sensible and appropriate - for example, in Victoria (Australia), there’s a law that says a single punch is prosecutionable as a serious crime, after a series of ‘king hit’ attacks sent young men to hospital and even killed them.

Fuck Rehab. These are grown-ass men who are to the best of my knowledge, not mentally disabled. They have the faculties to know right from asshole. Unless they completely lack a moral compass, whereupon they are sociopaths and should be locked away. No excuses, exceptions, or sympathy here.

I am shocked that a group of actresses with no background in anti-violence activism failed to produce a quality strategic plan for what should happen next. /s

To their staff, MPR executives apparently said that their investigation found multiple allegations spanning an extended period of time. So it wasn’t just the isolated “I accidentally touched her bare back” incident that Keillor claims.

I think every guy who say this now, is worried about something in their past coming up..

So many men rushing in to scream that they’re not mind readers as if that’s some defense.

Amazing how you cut the “verbal” part out of that quote. So are men both incapable of reading crystal clear body language and all deaf as well now?

Nah, when the non-verbal cues are happening because someone is sticking their fingers unbidden down a second person’s throat, they become more important than they already are.

With this whole Aziz thing I’m just mad at myself for letting myself be surprised. Also fuck this entire concept that what he did wasn’t bad enough. I’m just so done.

Eliza Dushku shared the account of what happened to her while she was filming “True Lies” at the hands of the director, Joel Kramer:

Liam Neeson says there’s a “bit of a witch hunt”