
There’s also QueenVictoria’sWhatever who will come in, not engage with the people actually criticizing the behaviour but call them all bitches in so many words. That one’s fun!

Thanks! And you’re probably right, unfortunately. It’s amazing to me that so many men seem to never question whether or not we need their opinions on anything. I constantly ask myself if I really need to add my voice to articles even for spaces that are centered on my experiences, so how do they never do that kind of

I posted about this the other day, as well, and got a lot of slack from female commenters as well as my least favourite of the everywhere-men commenting all over the thread without actually engaging with me. So...gird your loins!

I’m sort of bummed with Jez currently. The commentariet seems to be taken over by a lot of dudes who get in first to mansplain all the sex shenanigans, give their hot takes on Trump etc., and generally dominate the threads. This really used to be a place for women to give their opinions, reveal their stories, and

“Male allies” do not exist, unfortunately. Men have proven time and again that they are incapable of any form empathy towards women who they are not fucking or related to. It’s just fucking sad.

Judging by most people’s reactions, the first thing to do is to go on Twitter and say something to the affect “Holy Shit! Missiles are coming, this is crazzzzzzy!”

fuck off dipshit. what kind of fuicking moron sees an article like this and then makes that comment? you are a fucking imbecile.

This guy had 30 women & children killed in Yemen on the first week of office because he wanted to prove his dick was bigger than Obama’s. This is like #1000045 on the list of worst things he’s ever done.

One of my favorite ever av club comments was in response to a thread of people saying (insane) disparaging things about Eliza Dushku’s looks. Someone wrote a post to the effect of, Eliza Dushku is better looking than anyone that anyone in this forum will ever get with, you dorito-stained CHUDs.

Check his comment history. He enjoys fine dining, walks by the beach, calling sexual assault survivors “attention seekers,” and defending fine upstanding gentlemen like T.J. Miller.

Imagine seeing this post and thinking it’s the appropriate place to trot out your weird random grudge.

Any excuse to not blame the guy.

Did you miss the part in her post where she says the guy spent months earning her parents’ trust?

Medical care providers.... yeah about that. There was an article today in the LATimes asking, “Is Medicine Nexr?” and I hoped it was about patients and providers, but it wasn’t.

“and women”

Why, it’s almost as though women are harassed, catcalled, assaulted, discriminated against, intimidated, raped, and murdered in every area of life, every day, everywhere in the world!

women are harassed everywhere, every day, and in every way. this isn’t new, though it is newsworthy. is anyone at all, anywhere, surprised by these daily “revelations”? is it somehow shocking? is there any female over the age of 9 who hasn’t been sexually harassed in some form or another? why is this being treated as

You are not giving this man enough credit. He is fucking brilliant and dogged and a good investigative journalist. He freaking finished college at fifteen! He’s also a lawyer and a former governmental advisor who has done some absolutely amazing things. He has written many essays carried in many prestigious papers and

So exactly ONE more than anyone here.

Don’t waste your time. You. Yes, you is a half-thinker that never fully realizes the consequences of the actions ne argues for. I had already thought it was pretty bad, but I didn’t realize ne was at the “We don’t even NEED a president!” stage of political understanding. Maybe, in a few years, ne’ll rise to the level