
OP is a straight white man.

I’ve also seen some young women on twitter claim that Andi Dier abused them.

OP is a male who wants to police the activism of women.

Their title indicates that they went to the university to get an MD.

I did not know that knowledge of behavioural biology and history is considered a “mental illness” now. But in this post-modern world where facts are treated as “offensive”, anything is possible I guess.

Conservatism (Republican Party) and Liberalism (Democrat Party) are both male ideologies. They are both ideologies of rape.

I don’t think that “delusions” mean the external world.

I am going to ask you again, why are you so triggered by facts?

I guess that’s considered an argument in your world.

Well, I subscribe to the “traditional” definition of “fact”: a true statement backed up by empirical evidence.

The death penalty deters crime pretty well when applied correctly. A lot of tribes in North and South America had very low rates of abuse of women and children because they either killed the abusers, or chased them out of the community, leaving them to fend for themselves (and probably die).

Why do post-modernists get so *triggered* by anyone stating basic facts rooted in material reality?

Why are you so pressed about the fact that there are women out there who don’t want male doctors to touch their vaginas?

I think we both know that the only “ignorant” (I’m putting it in quotes because you’re simply pretending to be stupid) person on the subject here is you.

Well at least you admit.

I’m not talking about evolutionary psychology, which is not a scientific discipline. I’m talking about biology. Equality is impossible for women with males because for males rape and abuse are good evolutionary strategies.

I believe that sexual offenders are a danger to society and should be removed from it. Either through the death penalty, or through imprisonment for life. 

You don’t think that it’s wrong to show your child that forcing someone to kiss them is ok?

as sex offenders are LESS likely than other criminals to reoffend so there’s that as well

Does you son kiss you voluntarily? Or do you make him do it like Brady did in the video?