Found the incel lol.
Found the incel lol.
It’s really not.
That guy might harass women in public but we gotta make sure his feelings aren’t hurt.
Your analogy is quite ironic because most people who live in England and Ireland are in fact descendant of the Celts. No one chased them out of their land.
Are you, by any chance, cray-cray? Because I fail to see how any of what I said is “master race level bullshit”.
Jews, as an ethnic group, are all related to one another and can be genetically traced to an ancient Israeli population from the Levant.
Jews aren’t settlers and colonizers though. They are an INDIGENOUS people of the Levant. Comparing them to Americans is dishonest.
You know that Jews are an Indigenous people on the Levant, right?
You’d be surprised that I even know the difference between an ethnicity and a religion.
I know, right? How, exactly, are those women different from the Duggar-like Christian women who claim that dressing modestly “empowers” them because it prevents males from objectifying them?
I don’t understand how it’s not anti-semitic to demand that Jewish people just disappear.
You should check in with a psychiatrist because you are exhibiting symptoms of a personality disorder. I’m leaning towards cluster B.
I think that someone who is invested in what other people do in their relationships is crazy, yes.
I’m confused as to why you think it’s your place to tell people to not “stop having sex”.
At least they didn’t name her King.
This article becomes very ironic when you take into consideration the fact that the author bashed second-wave feminists a couple of weeks ago. They wrote a lot about sex and the fallacies of “no means no”. Perhaps Ms.Edwards should add some of them to her bookshelf.
In what sphere? Because New Zealand has the highest rate of violence against women in the developed world.
There is no such thing as “sexual frustration” though. From a biological point of view.