
Hahahaha, I’m sorry, it’s hard to take you seriously when you write things like this. You’re not even on the political spectrum; you’re in the sticky bucket of weird, delusional individuals that hangs off the far left and no one can have a sane conversation with.

I’m confused, are you implying that the whole collection of scientific article on neuroscience and male brains is simply “what I think”?

Wrong. Most behaviours humans exhibit to survive and reproduce are innate.

Would you send me the money by Paypal?

Are you one of those post-modernists who believes that science is a “blanket claim”?

Do you think that neuroscience and biology are “wrong and stupid”? Because basically all studies dealing with the effect of testosterone on the brain come to the conclusion that men lack cognitive abilities. They obviously don’t say it outright because of censorship, but they always dance around it in the conclusion.

You misunderstand me. I’m an essentialist. I do not believe in “learned” behaviour.

Our culture never fostered anything. Men have always made the choice to abuse women. Stop taking away agency from men by reducing their conscious behaviour to some abstract concept of “culture”.

what is missing for men (and women) in these scenarios that men “don’t know when” to stop?

Do you think that the concept of “fatherhood” should be abolished? I personally believe that men should not be able to have any claim over children (especially girls), and yes, I’am 100% serious.

Would you agree that grown men should not be considered (legal) adults though?

Throwing bait like that in the gossip column without further details is immoral. Either spill the beans or GTFO.

about feeling pressured to be sexually aggressive

Stop saying “people” when you mean MEN. If women had issues reading body language and nonverbal cues, our species would’ve died out as they would not be able to properly care for their infants.

Would you support my beliefs that the social constructs of “paternal rights” and “fatherhood” should be abolished in our society?

If men are this stupid, should the concept of “fatherhood” exist in out society? I’m genuinely asking.

Particularly for millenial men, who—like Ansari, I would guess—are completely unaware of what “pushing things too far” actually means.

I don’t think that its even him being a progressive. It’s just that most males at some point of their life have coerced women into sex and so take this very personally.

So you’re a rapist?