
I assume you’re a straight woman so I’m going to ask you this: would you feel rape-y if you continued to engage in sexual activity with a man who was not responding, and sometimes even pulled away?

Those aren’t the Dutch.

No. You said in cases of rape and sexual assault where victims would not want to work with their abusers.

Rapists and abusers can’t be rehabilitated. You should do some research on programs in various countries that attempted it. They all end up admitting that they failed.

Women use non-verbal queues to communicate with their children all the time.

Does a male talk show host joking about raping the first female presidential nominee not warrant its own article?

It seems like you have a very limited understanding of “evolution” so its pretty funny that you believe that you can judge another person’s credibility on matters of biology.

They deny the problem to get you to shut up and keep the status quo.

As a french speaker, I can say that the poster is lying about everything else, so I think its safe to assume he lying about being a married woman too.

As someone who is actually fluent in French and read the letter, I can say that one of the following statements is true:

A bit unrelated, but do you know why biology and chemistry are counted apart from the rest of STEM? 

I stg, the author just wanted to throw a jab at second wave feminists for some reason.

1st wave (19th-early 20th centuries): suffragettes and adjacent movements (right to work, to education, to divorce, to BC, etc).

It has been the only form of “sexual liberation” that has existed though.

Apart from the Thinx CEO, who are these “anti-feminist, sexual harrassers” businesswomen?

Objectification of women in the US seems far stronger than in your example, Germany. And no, I’m not German (or French) myself.

Me? I’m good. Thinking about your twink ass ;)

Hi hunty, how are you ;)

Cultures that mock others for being “sexual puritans” tend to have high tolerance for sexual violence and objectification of women in my observation.

I take it you failed your bio classes.