
I’ve never used the word lodestar, didn’t even know it was a word until this came up. I read a lot and I can’t recall seeing it anywhere. It doesn’t seem like something many people would use casually. 

You’re in the UK, I believe? 

I’m for this idea totally. But since that’s not going to happen, I would recommend citronella spray, it comes in a little can that looks almost like a pepper spray dispense, and the dogs really don’t like it. It doesn’t hurt them or cause them any harm... they just aren’t a fan. I carry mine with me at all times when

I love goofy stuff like this. Looks great.

I’d wear that pink thing Gaga has on as an every day look. Just throw it on to go grocery shopping and stuff.

I fucked one and the dick was good. It’s been pretty  difficult to give up, I’ve rubber banded a few times. If he never talked or had a thought, he’d be the perfect man. 

I laughed but I feel bad about it.

It’s finally happened...

Lulu working it out in one of our treat games. I like to keep her engaged when I give treats. She’s gotta sit-stay and focus on me until I tell her it’s okay to get them.

Briefs, especially granny panty briefs are my go-to period panty, otherwise its cheekies all the way for me. I’ve got a lot of junk in my trunk so most underwear end up being cheekies on me anyway. 

I’m not even reading this... The look on that baby’s face tells me everything I need to know.

We named my new kitten Kevin... kitty is a girl but we were having an Up moment, and she clearly doesn’t give a fuck what we call her. And I love people names for pets.

I usually don’t have much of an opinion on “famous person said some stupid shit publicly despite knowing better” - and just to be clear, I’m not saying I don’t find the behavior problematic or wrong, I’m just not pulled out of my own “my life is a catastrophe but let me invest what little energy I do have in being

“staying fit” “put together” “takes care of themselves” “practices self care” are somehow all dude speak for “no fatties” in dating apps and ads. Only one of them makes any sort of sense to what they actually mean.

I had one glorious Jeopardy! moment 3 years ago. I was doing per diem work at a community residence for the mentally ill. They all watched the show religiously. I watched it with them that evening. It was like the categories had been handpicked for me. I was throwing out correctanswers” to nearly every “question”.

I’m more interested in a reality show about people like me: single, broke, 30 somethings who spend their whole weekend lamenting that they have no friends with which to do anything with while simultaneously avoiding the people who call/text to ask if they want to do something.

Real World New Orleans was the height of Real World-esque type programming for me. I still think of that hot medical intern/doctor (whatever he was), Peter, that the blonde chick started dating. I was a pre-teen/teen during that season and it was everything.

Aside from whether it’s good or not, you can make an over the top satirical statement about fat shaming without using the trope of “fat girl loses weight, is deemed hot and is now important enough to be heard.”

Fuck bobs. They are awful (on me) and that person should feel awful for suggesting that long hair is dead. 

My last dude had 9 years on me, which isn’t quite the same as 17 obviously, but there were definitely times he’d be talking to me about pop culture or obscure news items that had happened before my birth and I had to ask him to explain. He said it made me seem very young sometimes. Considering I’m coming up on my 35th