
Does motherhood remove a woman’s personality? I ask only because I have been unable to have a conversation with any of my female friends who have children about anything, and I do mean literally anything, without it somehow circling back to what is going on with their children. I understand that they love their kids

Everyone’s getting engaged or married and I’m just sitting over here not giving a shit while all my married friend’s relationships slowly implode over some dysfunction or another.

Even something that would ordinarily make an unlikeable person somewhat likeable makes Ted Cruz seem even more creepy and other.

I didn’t. I did get about 45 minutes worth of advice from various people about the best way to strip and stain my deck though. 

I know, I know... but they never seem to come up naturally within that particular group. 

I wouldn’t consider my ideas or opinions on feminism, current events, or history to be small talk. Indeed, get me started on Tudor period politics and I’ll end up sitting you down with a powerpoint presentation and asking for an essay. Star Wars, cartoons, and video games are topics I can say a few words on and then

I’m going to a holiday party tonight with the man I’ve been seeing. This is the first time I’m sort of meeting a bunch of his friends and whatnot and I almost never make a good first impression (quiet introvert who hates small talk), so I’m super nervous. They’re all a little bit older than me and I’m worried my usual

I work for NYS Office of Mental health in one of their outpatient mental health programs servicing individuals over the age of 18, and here’s a bit of a reality:

I’m here for it... but I guess I just dont understand why we needed another All Stars so soon? 

I feel like things have finally started to settle down for me. I had to move again recently and I have a great little place with an awesome view

Lulu... she likes to watch tv with me like this

Can we spank other people’s kids though? Cause I had this little asshole ram a shopping cart into my leg at the grocery store yesterday and I wanted nothing more than to backhand the little jerk. My leg is all swollen and sore today. 

This past week felt like it would never end, and ended on a pretty shitty note... but my Halloween makeup was amazing and I haven’t shut up about it since Wednesday

They don’t have to be a pubescent youth with poor taste in cologne to feel you up in ineptly.

I’m thinking right now if there was ever a moment that I thought this pairing would last. I feel like I can confidently say that there wasn’t. Does that make me rational, cynical, and unromantic? I truly hope so. 

I’d give up chocolate and cheese for Tom. 

It doesn’t surprise me at all that Kavanaugh had a Chad in his life. 

Not sure if TMI but...

I genuinely laughed. Thank you.