Headache John

It was supposed to be a signal that we’d outgrown “men’s” and “women’s” styles and anyone would wear anything!

The real monster is the husbands we lost along the way...

I continue to maintain that the first Transformers movie was surprising and enjoyable, and managed to get me right in the feels during the “Arrival to Earth” sequence (the excellent soundtrack played a big part there). I was never a Transformers kid, so I didn’t have any strong nostalgia for the old G1 designs that

Isn’t the only way Google has been getting away with this the fact that nobody’s ever tried to take them to court? All this “we’re a for-profit company, not a public utility” and “we’re not employers and don’t have to abide by labor laws” horseshit needs to go away at somepoint.

Godspeed Bungie. I hope at the very

While Keaton goes on social media to promote his return to his iconic superhero role, Sir Patrick Stewart takes a different approach...

HBO Throws Its Viewers the Invisible Bone

Now, bear with me: I initially thought - based on the mysterious cloud dragging a flag streamer - that this was going to be a surprise remake of “Killer Clowns from Outer Space’.

Don’t laugh.

I imagine that call went something like:

Terrible finale? I fucking loved the finale.

Now playing

They released some more of Michael Giacchino’s Batman soundtrack, really liking the Animated Series vibes of his Riddler theme.

Sorry, DBZA, I will no longer be supporting the official release.

which could come at any time but will likely be at the end of the term.

My guess is Kratos in “God of War”. And even though I’ve never played the game, I’m sad for the fans of it, if that’s the case.

Hah, fuck yeah. That rules.

Now playing

It never gets mentioned much and people don’t seem to like it (except me), but I really like the Dr Strange theme. The motif pops up quite a few times in other movies (and even What If) for him, and it’s always pretty distinctive.

(I know some people say it’s a bit too similar to his theme on the new Star Trek movies,

I respectfully HARD disagree. The BoBF theme is 🔥🔥🔥

I can’t imagine anyone watching this episode who didn’t hear that sting and immediately put the context clues together.


Hey Spanfeller! Go forever fuck yourself!

Why on earth was Denzel directing an episode Grey’s Anatomy anyway?