Headache John

Sounds a lot like a.... Pyramidion scheme to me.

Blanc should start the next movie with a thin moustache, and the moustache should grow comically larger with each scene, and nobody ever comments on it.

I knew Cena would be Dom’s evil brother - because unlike our Toretto, he wears sleeves, breaking the Toretto family code.

It makes sense that after eleven years of doing so much, he’d decide to take a breather and Doolittle.

...that expansion came from the moon!

“Some if you will die on the battlefield of another unnecessary foreign war!” Encouraging speech, Mike.


I have nothing to add except Mystery Incorporated is the best.


I actually really like the simple Obi-Wan vs Vader fight, because unlike all the prequel fights, it actually somewhat resembles a real sword fight. There’s no dancing or twirling, no wasted movements. Just two old men, focused completely on trying to kill one another. 

—hey guys, i don’t think this is really the Pope

While I will admit that Bendis is responsible for some great material, his work has really stagnated over the past decade (at least), and this is good news. He can work on some different characters over at DC, and fresh writers at Marvel get a chance to move up.


Ask any child of the ’80s who the best Transformers character was, and they’ll usually either answer Optimus Prime or Megatron.

Nope, author got it wrong. Kaine’s been a “good guy” since 2010 when he sacrificed himself to save Peter from being killed to resurrect Kraven the Hunter during the Grim Hunt storyline.

Idea 1) Maybe she was caught up in the same mind control that caught the rest of SHIELD? (Ignoring the fact that she apparently quit SHIELD in a recent issue of Spider-Man...)

“Hey everybody!! We’re all gonna get laid!!!”

Honest answer?

I read it as Kobik “restoring” reality was ITSELF part of the shenanigans, and there were no previously unknown shenanigans.