Headache John

Justice for Pulled Pork!

Banshee REALLY needs a break once this is all over- have him solve a mystery, or go to Dollywood, or solve a mystery AT Dollywood.

Cause Hawkeye’s great - A lot of people will point to Fraction’s Hawkeye, but something that gets overlooked nowadays is Thunderbolts; Hawkeye saw a bunch of people who were once in the same position he was in - former villians trying to be heroes - and said “I can make this happen”

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Benjamin Percy, the head writer on Wolverine: The Long Night, is also currently writing the X-Force and Wolverine books, and has the voice of a mountain

I havent watched it yet, I may very well agree with you, but sometimes things must be said, and this is one of those times.

Daybreakers is great

I could have sworn I saw somewhere the SAW sequel was called “The Organ Donor,” but it may have been a hallucination?

Is all the text in the game abnormally small, or have I suddenly become old?

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I mean don’t know why, when the perfect adaptation already exists

This was probably my absolute favorite piece of media when I was a kid even though, due to a vcr hiccup and not having the Disney channel soon after it aired, I have never seen the first four or five minutes

Perhaps it’s just because my dad is a fellow mainer, I was a big fan of Needful Things, which King narrates himself.

He also did all three volumes of Shelby Foote’s A Narrative of the Civil War.

Its such a strange strange movie, but the score is killer

Banshee Erasure!

I think he mentioned he wrestled in high school in one of his books, that’ll give you some shoulders

Dispite being a weird puppet show, If The Emperor Had a text To Speech Device is legitimately one of the best summaries of the 40K universe there is

Greg Salinger, why does that sound familiar?

Is this the most Maryland thing to ever happen?

It made The Hateful Eight a unique experience, I’d say bring it on!