Headache John

Still love how it only takes 5 hours to build an Iron Man suit. I can’t even build a LEGO set in five hours.

Ironically, the package piledriver is a pretty safe variation, especially how Owens used to do them, but I agree with the sentiment.

I hope Garm Bel Iblis makes it into the new canon because A) it shows that the Rebellion had flaws, and B) LOOK AT THIS GLORIOUS MOTHERFUCKER

Quite- Hydra (in the comics, at least, and Agents of SHIELD sort of) is an ancient Illuminati-ish conspiracy that has run behind the scenes of human history, trying to push it in what it thinks is the right direction. It got Co-opted by Baron Strucker, who funded it with NAZI GOLD. Then he died, Hydra split up into a

Maybe I’m misremembering it, but wasn’t “they broke up” the explanation for why Jane Foster wasn’t in the movie from day one?

Well, that one is from Enterprise, which had Andorians aplenty.

Here’s where I’m puzzled.

He looks like someone whose scheme has finally come together.

I. What. How?


You know what game has one of the best tutorials I’ve ever encountered? Skullgirls.

Welp, so much for that screenplay...

Well no, because Spider-Man’s wall-crawling power is because he can, and I quote “enhance the flux of inter-atomic attractive forces on surfaces he touches, increasing the coefficient of friction between that surface and himself.”

I’ve always liked the idea of Richard Ayode myself, but Bill Nighy would be fantastic.

Wasn’t Jughead supposed to be deaf, or did they drop that particular conceit in the scripting phase?

From an interview I read fairly recently, it doesn’t bug him, he just doesn’t understand why the Princess Bride is such a cultural touchstone.

Wait wait wait, WHY do we have a new Quasar? Didn’t Wendell “Our Guy” Vaughn just come back from the dead?

beat me to it.

Go to bed, Max Landis.