
Kids will sometimes head down a wrong path. “Raising” a child means getting them back on the right path.

PSA: You need to view any kickstarter campaign as a gamble (or a gift). If you want to give money, do not assume a game will be made, and do not complain if it fails.

I’m just shocked that apparently a form of gambling is being manipulated by the people running it to gain an unfair advantage where the odds are already stacked in their favor.

Let’s be clear, if you are someone who is struggling with beer being spilled all over your floors, and it’s allowed to stay there until it gets sticky, you have no business making any comments on articles about cleaning.

There is a much cheaper option if you go the vacuum route. I like this, a small canister that you can easily carry as you vacuum, (or allow to roll if that is too much for you).

How about minimum wage goes into an account for each inmate, that they can access upon their release?

What year is this car and what was the mileage when you bought it?

Hold on now, you are going to far. This isn’t about hardware, this is about one specific piece of hardware. We don’t need to know about processors, storage capacity, battery life, speakers, cameras, etc.

There was a recent wedding in PA where a guest let a woman know that her 14 year old child was drunk, the mom got mad and punched the woman for telling her.

I’m not making the case that they were good. But, I find Cutler more upsetting because he keeps lulling people into thinking he is a good quarterback, then he consistently chokes at critical points.

Here are a few positives. The defense was a lot better than they have been lately. It said a lot that it was only 0-6 at the half. Finally some sacks and actual pass defense near the end zone. Exclude special teams and they only gave up 13 pts in the second half.

THIS is the issue. Every single issue that we have with the police and terrible, incompetent, or violent behavior boils down to this.

How can someone investigate if evidence was tampered with while in police custody, without contacting the police or the DA?

That’s capitalism. Those who control the purse strings have the leverage to cut deals that are slanted heavily in their favor.

I would disagree.

While jurors might be aware of news stories, that would never be brought into a trial as it would have no bearing on the case.

Thanks for pulling it back in, you get two gold stars for that! I can’t remember the last time I saw anyone pull back from a comment that included dumbass in all caps so good for you.

I’m sure there are lots of women who wanted to be called sluts and gold diggers by millions of enlightened people, receive death threats, and be dragged through the legal system.

The news came out that the DNA test showed that there was no DNA from Kane. My guess would be that the mother wanted to cast doubt on the evidence that could have exonerated Kane.