
Pictured: Hamilton Nolan, PG, Purdue, 1946-47. An ardent New Dealer, after graduation Hamilton went to work for the IWW and now edits their newsletter. Go Boilermakers!

Best Quality: The Elder’s jacket. So murder him in the face and be the most stylish person in the Commonwealth.

You know you fucked up when Philadelphia has the moral high ground

Dave (and everyone else at Deadspin/Gawker who worked on these pieces),

If you think a minor traffic infraction remotely justifies attempted murder: Fuck You.

I was really hoping someone would be so self-involved as to turn a larger issue into an anecdote about a unique personal experience that does nothing to change any of the points made in the post. Thanks!

I get the discomfort with the video being posted, and I felt some myself before hitting play. For once, though, I think posting rich media evidence does help.

Bingo. I was just asking the question to get the ball rolling. These kinds of issues can usually say a lot more that meets the eye.

PSA: Do not give your money to people on the Internet who do not use their real names.

I’d never thought I’d use the term “a more problematic Bobby Hull”.

Ah a single-player JRPG with in-game transactions and developed by famous people. Brilliant marketing.

“Who knew the nurses of America moved like the mob?”

Can a Deadspin staffer start up a database that details which active pro athletes have either been accused/convicted/exonerated of serious crimes like sexual assault? I need a one stop shop for determining which sports people I can feel mildly ok cheering for

Stanford University:

Hello Mudda

I know that driving home from the game after you got ejected sucks, but you really shouldn’t browse the internet on your phone while you’re driving.

Coach must have a bad temper if it takes only one Kelvin to make him reach the boiling point.

One time I was in my A8 and I saw this guy all dressed up in a suit with sunglasses in his A4 or A6 and I was thinking “that guy looks like such a tool in his lame, entry level Audi”. Then I realized it wasn’t an A4 and it was my reflection in a window.

Would you like to watch a movie that asked you to go to a website to piece together what the fuck is going on?... Please.