
The armchair psychologist in me thinks that in order to feel safe, some women believe that rape only happens to women who brought it on themselves.

What horrifies me is how the US public is willing to make absolute decisions about guilt and innocence based on two paragraphs in a news story.

I’m not sure he would have anyway. The DNA test identified two different males, neither of which was Kane.

Nope. To investigate he has to involve the police and the DA to determine if the bag was legit. That now becomes part of the investigation and public record. It is then a major news story that the accusers mom tried to manufacture fake evidence.

I wouldn’t go that far. He got played and he still claims that he believes the rape charge. Maybe he was predisposed to believe the tampering since he believed his client was telling the truth about the rape. Getting played, believing the police had tampered with evidence, and trying to make that public to help his

I believe that the DNA test showed the DNA of two different men, neither of which was Kane.

I have a daughter and I really can’t believe that in this day and age I still have to regularly discuss with her that she needs to ignore the subtle (and not so subtle) messages she is going to receive about what she can and can’t do, and how she should dress, act, etc.

My question is why they still exist.

Anger control issues much? Let’s see, music and book publishers are losing a ton of leverage now that people can easily self publish. We are seeing a lot of crowd funding of games as well.

Jason, at some point can you get into the structure of the video game industry? Specifically why “Publishers” even exist.

Could have easily been killed. Super lucky the bear chose to retreat.

Put it under the seat in front of you then.

Coaches (and parents) are terrible. My son was in travel soccer and we finally pulled him out because of terrible, abusive coaches. The head of the association did very little about dozens of complaints from parents. He would follow up, but never strongly enough to result in any change.

I guess it could go either way. Someone felt that the evidence was intentionally tainted to protect Kane and wanted to bring it to light to help the victim.

And what appears to have happened is someone got a hold of it after the testing was complete. Just because someone stole the kit after it was tested and took it to the victims mother’s house does not mean that the chain of custody was broken from the hospital to the lab.

Nine people DIED. I’m sure the kid is aware of that and how this guy worked really hard to ship out product tainted with rat feces.

You hit on the issue, it’s the quality of that extra content. I love Far Cry 4, but tearing down posters is the perfect example of busy work in games to make it look like there is a ton of content.

You forgot massively overpriced. Shockingly so. There are not many vehicles that go for more than $25k with 100k miles. (4 door version)

The distinction you are trying to make does not matter at all. You are missing the point entirely.

Disney World is unending human misery. Not joking, I have seen more families screaming at each other and kids melting down than any place else (even more than Home Depot).