
It’s all about balance. Don’t live like a miser, but also don’t buy into the marketing that you deserve all the nice things that money can buy.

Just because some people are responsible enough to carry, does not mean we should be opening up concealed carry to everyone who has a vague fear that someone might try to rob them.

But buying things to bring yourself happiness ends up bringing misery because it does not work. That feeling of euphoria of that new car, or new flat screen TV wears of quickly and then you have to start looking for the next item it buy to make you happy.

My friend is a financial adviser in a fairly affluent area. He told me that almost every day he ends up with someone crying in his office when he explains to them that they either have to continue working until they die, or sell their home and move to a much less expensive area of the country.

Look at me, look at me, look at me, look at me.

Always nice to see the guys from the marketing department jumping into the comments section.

Well, I could make the point that anyone who actually buys a gas guzzling monster is an idiot in general, but let’s set that aside.

I’m sorry, didn’t we move past giant decals back in the 1980’s?

All it takes is 30 days of gas costing less than $3.00 and there are suddenly thousands of idiots clamoring for gas guzzlers like this. The sales of this, hummers, suburbans, rise and fall with gas prices.

Correct, if he was part of a promotional video as he said, it certainly would not have included his ex-girlfriend as the other “model”.

Any game where the primary reward system is “gear” that you get through random drops is playing into what is essentially a gambling addiction.

It’s just nice to see someone who enjoys their work.

And it can cause really dangerous situations when people try to pass these lane riders on the right.

Good for you. If you really hate something, there is no point in doing it. It really would have ended up taking a physical and mental toll on you as well.

Lat year my teenage son shared that he and his friends all tell a category of jokes called “Dad jokes”, and he will now he will tell me things like “excellent dad joke”.

That’s the challenge here, we are talking about college discipline versus the legal process. A prosecutor may feel there is not enough evidence to prosecute, or someone may not want to deal with years through the courts.

I was always puzzled by why her pop stuff was so popular. It was OK, but not good enough to justify the level of popularity.


But the issue is that people are so crazed about good graphics, that you really don’t get both. I think content gets short changed and certainly quality control gets short changes as well.