Pack of fucking hot dogs on the back of his neck.
Pack of fucking hot dogs on the back of his neck.
“Whenyou go to work each day, you shouldn’t have to worry that a pack of rabid animals will suddenly show up at your home and openly threaten your family.”
I’d argue that politeness and diplomacy have a time and a place, but when people have brought attention to their very real issues, only to be ignored or demonized... The time for decorum has passed. Keep fighting on ‘til the world’s a fair place.
I wouldn’t call Leftists the polite ones. They’re the bitter ones who think Liberals are too timid. Leftists have been after Single Payer for decades, and are pissed at the “well-meaning” moderates who tell them to wait while people die because the system is fucked up. Leftists are the ones who were smashing windows…
There are many examples out there that get Black people get shot
Ask these mealy mouthed muck buckets if they would have had a nice chat with Hitler and talked him out of those gas chambers. That’s how dumb they sound.