“White privilege” has become a vague, tiresome discourse. But white fragility? White I don’t wanna hear it I’m not listening whatabout whatabout? Those are beyond dispute. They must be combated at every turn.
“White privilege” has become a vague, tiresome discourse. But white fragility? White I don’t wanna hear it I’m not listening whatabout whatabout? Those are beyond dispute. They must be combated at every turn.
Whitey will destroy them. I know this because whitey is me. I’m around whitey when you aren’t around whitey. Thoughtlessly, like a zombie, whitey will attack this.
The Root seems split into three categories: awesome articles about material problems, awesome articles about esoteric problems, and shitty esoteric…
This is a wonderful, amazing troll of Becky. Except we now live in a world where trolling is simultaneously ironic and humorlessly earnest. Everyone’s following 4Chan off a cliff.
The Root is an online blog. The Root has many authors. Expect different takes. I’m not sure it’s the cohesive, coordinated attack you claim it is. An in a larger sense, I’m not sure any institution devoted to fighting white supremacy has any coordination at all.
Polite white people are indeed useless. But white people who shout at anyone in a frantic attempt to undo their own privilege are just as useless, but also more dangerous. Aside from their holier-than-though Twitter spats, they’re just as inert but don’t even know it.