
Well this eases my fears after the not-so-impressive trailer that came out. Though I do dream of the day that I can watch an Urban movie without trepidation about its quality.

As a girl whose nerdom owes its roots to her deep and undying love for Geordi La Forge, the 12-year-old me is happy he never had a serious relationship, because he's MINE.

Now playing

Nice idea, but it's base on what amounts to an urban legend. I don't mind taking some liberty with the natural state of things, but I do wish they weren't adding to the confusion that already exists about this issue.

This is every time I get out of the shower.

Hit her in the boob! It might giggle!

I'm not talking about polishing up minor typos, I'm talking about text crippling, reading hindering typos. Those need to get revised out of a draft, no matter the stage.

I'm sure that #3 has the best intentions at heart, but I'm battling enough typos as it is.

I love how everyone looks grandiose and sort of out of their genre, except Thor and Loki who look pretty much normal.

I don't know why, but in my mind this would be the best of all possible civilization ending events.

I actually was surprised it's only been ten years. As dear as the show is to me, it feels like something from another time in my life. It's good to know the intervening decade has been good to so many people involved.

A superhero never reveals his secrets.

This is going to take a lot of getting used it. As of right now I'm sort of just reading the posts by folks I know, as it is the easiest way to browse. But I might miss out on things that way.

So in a world full of pretty creatures with fun designs, all the main characters are going to be humans wearing leaves? Sadness.

Karl Urban, I love you very much, but you need to start being in movies I can stomach watching more than once.

I would be damn honored to have my head on a stick in that show.

To make sure we are being accurate, we are almost never talking about placebo working as well as the treatment, instead what we are talking about is a trend over time narrowing the gap between treatment and placebo.

It's inaccurate to say that the power of placebo is increasing. Instead the effect of placebo and treatment are narrowing in their gap. In fact the cause it usually that the effects of the treatment are decreasing over time.

I would say if we were talking about depression or other disorders you might have a solid theory, but the nature of schizophrenia makes this less likely. The nature of schizophrenia detaches people from reality. The parts of the brain that would normally check reality and make predictions goes away. This is why they

Not mis-diagnosed, but instead, like with other disorders, our criteria for diagnosis have widened greatly, letting in 'milder' cases that are more likely to recover from the other treatments that go along with medication. That is the part that is often left out of these studies - while they are getting different

Reports about the amount of medication in the water supply greatly exaggerate their levels and effects. It is true that some areas that dump large urban water waste into relatively closed systems like lakes have some real issues with local wildlife, but when we are talking about the water that humans consume, the