
While I personally agree with you on this, a lot of people seem to think of Harry Potter ONLY as a movie series, and claim we can not openly talk about things that happened YEARS ago, because they haven't yet picked up the book.

Exactly what I thought. It makes him look so much older.

Not so much a Bloddy Mary as a Tinted Only Slightly Red Mary.

I know exactly why she bugs me. But I try not to blame her for it. Her talent really seems change from director to director. Some people can get a good performance out of her, some can't.

That is a pretty bad way to get off. Seriously, the internet has way better porn than that for free.

You make many good points, and this film's lack of quality sure plays into this. But it is not the first HORRIBLE movie (or, if you ask me, even the first horrible Snyder movie). So the question is why did this fail while other bad movies make back their budgets and more in domestic box office alone?

Sure, as long as we never complain about the lack of a JLA movie (which, let's admit, probably shouldn't be made anyway).

For all his aesthetics, I personally think Dawn of the Dead actually looked better than anything he's done since. The more money he gets the more the screen is full of noise, distracting from what we should be focusing on.

I couldn't even keep my eyes on the screen. I was about 17 when I tried to watch it. I don't know, maybe it just wasn't my kind of movie, I was watching Hitchcock and Kurosawa at the same time in my life and the pacing of those films didn't bother me.

EA is being all up in my Bioware and it's bumming me out.

I've seen Bladerunner, I think twice. I've still never bothered to make it all the way to the end. Though, to be fair, I was a lot younger then. I have a lot more patience with films now. But I also think a whole lot less of Ridley Scott. His body of work lately has not given me reason to revisit his roots.

Do we even need a vote? We all know how this is going to turn out.

If in 10 years of Smallville they haven't let Clark (properly) fly, there is no chance Wonder Woman is getting off the ground.

It's a symbol of the oppression of her people (very long story). It's actually the one thing every outfit of hers must always have. Though it does look tacky when done like this (I mean could they look more glaringly out of place) many artists pull it off and make it look awesome.

Right now we do know that Kelly wants the show to open on "Single Ladies."

As someone with lots of experience with boobs, I can say the best way to treat them when trying to exercise is to flatten and squish. Press those puppies down where they can't move at all. Really the only good option.

In general all still shots of people actually emoting look pretty dumb. Seriously, pause in a show in the middle of someone talking or running, they always have either crazy-face, or bathroom-face.

Completely agree. A Greco-warrior approach would give it a level of gravatas that is often lacking in popular depictions of Wonder Woman.

Much better. Though she really does look like that top is about to fall down, which is, unfortunately, probably what they were going for.