Is that Kristen Bell?
Is that Kristen Bell?
I don't handle being teased about Wonder Woman very well. So, I'm going to go ahead and pretend that the great lady was never mention in this article, if that's ok with you. I basically need to see set pictures before I will ever believe a Wonder Woman movie is getting made. In fact, I might need to see a full…
Yeah, in her first interview after the break up she was gleefully telling everyone she could wear heals in public again.
He lets her wear high heels? Wow, could it be that he doesn't let his ego get in the way of having a healthy relationship anymore?
I'm hoping for good editing. The problem with all comedies these days is that they just keep going and going long after the joke stopped being funny. Make the joke, move on, that's how to do it. Sure, these guys are funny in person, but in person funny and on screen funny have way different pacing.
Give it what it wants so it will stop moving!!!!
I put all my DLC on a flash drive if I'm not playing it, that way I don't have to keep erasing and downloading. The transfer back and forth takes some time, but it's way simpler.
While I agree that Target shouldn't be donating to bigots, the truth is the 'pro-business' candidates are often bigots. Right now Target is the one (ironically) take the fire but I bet many, if not most, nationwide chains are giving money to the same kinds of people.
This is not based on any graphic novel. This was Snyder's first original story.
If the article is clear on its spoiler status, most commenters don't feel bad about, you know, talking about the article.
There is a complex relationship between Buffy and Giles. It's family, and it's work and it's destiny and there is love and hate and conflict.
I know I'm alone in my feelings that the plots holes in District 9 crippled it to the point of being unenjoyable, but at least other people acknowledge that there are some pretty big plot holes.
You really didn't have to put the spoiler alter, I figured that bit out from the trailer.
I was just talking about how she gets lobotomized, which was in the article. If the whole point of the movie is to save her from her metaphoric death (or rape) and she is lobotomized anyway, she does not then, survive.
Is it bad that I'm super happy about this review because now I don't feel so alone in my "dreading Superman with great intensity" camp.
I'm always disappointed when JGL doesn't show up.
"about what it takes to survive in intolerable situations"
So worth the wait.
This warning is in every pregnancy book and on every pregnancy website I've ever read.
Well, more sci-fi tv is a good thing, but I worked (yes it felt like work) through 2 seasons and 4 episodes and I still don't see the big deal. And now it just feels like Alias, which really only worked (and only like 20% of the time) for Alias.