My thoughts! You've stolen them!
My thoughts! You've stolen them!
120 min movie, actually.
And Monty Python also provides us with the best way to alleviate aggression.
True. I just think the man should get mention in this article. But, I think the man should get mention at every possible moment. :)
Richard Dawkins talks about this tendency as a survival mechanism. If you are in the woods what is more safe, thinking you see a monster and taking precautions, or just dismissing the odd sounds and flashes of light and continuing without worry?
I just want to be clear that I am not, and have never been, bothered by the way the women dress in this film. I know, as a feminist, that what a woman wears has NOTHING to do with anything at all in terms of gender or sexuality. Women can wear what ever they want, when ever they want, for whatever reason they want. …
I do not like Silver Chair. It was where I started not liking the books. Dawn Treader is by far my favorit of the series.
No mention of Ben Radford, who wrote the definitive book on the subject and who put forth this theory? For shame io9, for shame.
They don't actually have a published list of standards. So no one really knows how they make their choices.
Improving on Frank Miller's potral of women isn't that hard. And as I said, all it did was render 300 a movie with very stereotypical women. I don't think Snyder is any more sexest then many popular directors, but given the level of sexism in Hollywood, that isn't really saying much.
I was going rant about these stoner guys and how they must have well placed friends because unlike Campbell they are all to often completely unwatchable. But then I actually watched the trailer and, well, thought it was funny.
I think in many ways this was Snyder's attempt to be a lot better to women in his narratives than he usually is. His past treatment of women has been at its best, stereotypical and at its worst, actively disdainful.
The same time that faux-gothic fell out of favor in pop culture and was replaced by, well, what you said. I'm going to say somewhere around 2002.
I have to admit that actually getting to see these ladies act and have fun with their roles is nice.
Well, I think a well received movie that spawns a sequel is a pretty good place to start when we are talking about change. I mean Hollywood just doesn't do things they think will lose them money, it's just a business for most of them.. So this is how we start, with low budge movies that change people's ideas about…
Well, I was saying that it's an example of a non-martial arts film with an Asian cast, but the part with the cheeta does skirt the line.
There is always Harold and Kumar. They were Indian and Korean, right?
I think the Sci-fi version was very shiny. Very pretty. But it lacked any real soul. It's a lot like all of their mini-series, fun, but really very hollow. It is worth watching for sure, but it is more of a picture of Dune, than the story of Dune. I think they were on the right track, the story can't be told in…
I'd heard Mountains of Madness was on thin ice, but I didn't know it had falling through.