
It's not just their amazing games that make them trustworthy, but the way they treat their users. Someone breaks their game, makes a giant mod that is widely popular, and instead of suing, they teamup with the guy and sell it through their store. I mean that is a great way to say, "we love that you love our stuff,

It is. Joss Whedon let it be known once that she was his top pick for old WW, and since then a lot of really great fan made mock ups have been done of her.

The reference would have been a lot funnier and less pandering if they had said "he was there for stealing a terrible amount of cakes." Or something to that effect.

Good choices like to drive one state over and talk to a doctor not gaged by legislation. Yeah, I hope they make good choices too.

Man, the amount of times Wonder Women got tied up with her own golden lasso.

While that is something that a lot of people would say about themselves (or their kids) The truth is there are dozens, maybe even hundreds of school discrets in America (I've worked in two) that are already completely penut free, and have been for almost a decade. It's working.

You know I've always like Wonder Woman in sandals in stead of boots. It must be the Greek thing.

I'm not going to watch this. I just wanted to let you know that your headline made me lose my appetite. I hope you're proud of yourself.

Something like this.

My love of the DC and their leading Demi-God hero are strong, and I want to hold out hope. My my hate for Snyder is also strong, and well, most of the time I just like to pretend it's not happening and watch the animated show.

No, no and no. Look I would LOVE a new Superman movie, but let's be honest, it's not like the Man of Steel has been shoved to the back ground, ignored for oh so many years. Many people, many of them very young, still think of Reeves AS the only Superman because those movies were so iconic (well, some of them).

DC has had a long history of making movies, tv shows, animated everything. They have made many iconic Superman and Batman movies (one of which is fueling the current comic book movie rush), not to mention GL coming up and Johns rocking the socks off future projects at DC.

When I was teaching we had a student move up to the high school from the jr. high who had this same kind of very deadly allergy. It never caused any problems. The cafeteria adjusted, the students and teachers adjusted and the kid was smart enough to know what she should and shouldn't touch/eat (she, after all, was

"relatively minor character like Thor"

*sorry if double post*

This is a good review of the current knowledge about cell phones and their cancer risks with some link to more info -

Look, NBC, we've all been tempted. Halloween is around the corner and you don't have the money or time to make a nice costume. The pictures on Amazon don't look that bad, and the price is good, why not get one of the prefabricated things? But trust me, FIND A STORE SELLING IT and see it in person. You will know,

One great (ok, stupendous) scene does not a timeless classic make. Especially when it is inside of a 'trying hard to not be dumb but mostly failing' action film.

I had the same feeling with Wall-E vs., ok, can't remember, but what every it was vs. Look, Pixar is great, they make fun films. But they are not timeless sci-fi classics. They are playing off old hats, and yes, doing it well. But just because they are aimed at a modern audience and therefor maybe more fun to sit

Look folks, this isn't about which movie you would watch given the choice. This is about what makes a great sci-fi movie. And if we are saying that some how Fifth Element added more to the field then Solaris, well, I'm just not sure I can remain friends with you guys anymore. I know, I know, the thing with the car