
Cats, the only true superheroes.

@moiety: That is good to know, because from what I've been told is that most cameras used on film sets are specifically designed to have as little flair as possible (because it blocks the image, which used to be a big no-no in film making).

1. Looks really, really fake

Steampunk Rat Nazis?

@Anrkist: It is horrible that I look at a screen like that and instantly think of Star Trek. I don't even read the text. I don't want Trek to be forever associated with overdone lens flare

@Tyrunn: Does he like, rent from her or something?

@Captain_Tripps: I completely agree about the devaluing, or outright disrespecting of female sexuality (though it is by no means a recent thing, though perhaps a more recently obvious thing).

@Captain_Tripps: Her body looks good (constructed by photoshop, if you're into that sort of thing) but it's the aesthetic of the image. The original Barbarella shots have emotion, fun, frivolity. They highlighted what made the character sexy, which wasn't just her body, but her whole personality and her way of

@Captain_Tripps: If it was just her in a bathing suit, that's fine, but she is trying to pull off something classic. Something that the original did infinitely better.

@bungz: Actually I was talking about both the lady and the image. I prefer my pinup pictures to have some personality along with their sex appeal.

@bungz: Just because someone is attractive doesn't mean they aren't also cliché and boring.

Wow. Way to completely miss the whole aesthetic of Barbarella. This just looks like generic 'sexy' space costume.

@OutlawDominus: Is there an official name for an animal that is both a unicorn and Pegasus? Because I think proper unicorns don't have wings.

@Charlie Jane Anders: I was going to say that if you watched it all the way through just for our sake that you really do sacrifice for your work.

@reed: The scene that I saw when i was five year old that stuck in my brain as the most horrible thing of all time (for the record it was the first time she sucked the life out of a guy and turned him into a horrible corpse thing).

The Uranus Experiment is a fake. They never actually did what they claimed. I listened to Mary Roach ('Packing for Mars', 'Bonk') debunk it in an interview with Skepitcality.