@mordicai: My thoughts exactly. As a film, a wonderful departure from the ordinary and mundane. As an adaptation of a book... meh.
@mordicai: My thoughts exactly. As a film, a wonderful departure from the ordinary and mundane. As an adaptation of a book... meh.
@lightninglouie: You know, as much as I hate Walden Media and everything it stands for (lots of hate, could fill a room) I love the first three Narnia books so much, I'm actually happy they have the clout to make these.
@Lassus: This is, unfortunately, one of the last remaining books in the series I like. After this the only one I will want to see (and only if they take out the racism) is A Horse and His Boy.
Hate commenting twice, but what are you going to do. I was in such a hurry to post my anger about a new Highlander film (and a direct remake of the first instead of some cool new take on cool new immortals. That makes it so much worse) I didn't even notice there was a video of Sam Witwer on this page!
Don't get me wrong, I like Vinnie Jones just fine, but we're talking about Clancy Brown here. You can't just walk in and have a do-over on one of his best villains.
@Krakenstein: I do have a habit of jumping on the back end of a bandwagon and declaring myself the leader.
Half of me wants to do a useless fangirl Jeremy Renner comment. The other half wants to do the standard (fairly useless) 'not another reboot' comment.
@chargernj: That would be AWESOME. The 'Dwayne Johnson as Black Adam' campaign starts today.
@PlaidNinja: They want to distance themselves from the last movie.
Grain of salt taken, now - I'm as big a Dwayne Johnson fan as is probably reasonable but the idea of any former WWE stars being the man of steel in a Snyder directed film is pretty much all of my worst fears for the movie coming true.
Not in Tokyo.
@baldly_going: I loved that every time someone got staked they fell off screen, or got dusting while standing behind someone.
So I am clear on what you're saying - on the non-fiction entries,
@Alex Drake: I really like the show, but from what (little) I've read of the books, the two things have very little in common besides names and places.
You've said we (the average consumer) should probably wait till we can get more for our money. Do you know if, say by post-Christmas, there will be more titles out or support for existing titles that will make it worth getting in the next 2-3 months?
@PlaidNinja: Let me guess,
@corpore-metal: Robots will make music with the waves of electrons in the air. They will have no need for our clumsy instruments of wood and string.
@Chris Braak: How could I have read this site for so long and not know about something as amazing as Moff's Law.
@spidersthrash: I've seen all the other trailers and previews and decided I didn't really need to see more. Maybe a mistake on my part, or not. But I do know from what I've seen of Snyder's work (and what I've seen of this film) that at least in his stories he treats women as objects (sometimes noble objects, but…