
Or maybe people just like different things and you don’t have to try to discredit anyone’s preferences to make yourself feel better?

But that’s not what they said, at all.

It’s not about a definitive answer to any issue, it’s about acknowledging the issue rather than pretending it doesn’t exist.

For example, the cult in Far Cry 5 is basically a cartoon cult. The game really wants us to take it seriously, but it bares so little resemblance to any actual cult, and it doesn’t go into any of

Tell us more about this cabal of cultural marxists uh, bloggers trying to say bad things about video games

Persona 5 is definitely political, is what he’s getting at. As are many Japanese games. 

Demanding no ideology is an ideology.

So not a Persona 5 sort of person I take it?

Here’s the thing: I get the whole, “sometimes I just want to turn my brainsoff,” and that’s fine. Not everything needs to be political allegory. I mean, right now I’m just playing Call of Duty because it’s kind of fun to (badly) play multiplayer. So yeah I get that.

Astonishing that “nazis are bad” has now become a controversial position.

It’s true, Gamergate and their fashy friends on /pol/ freak out anytime they think ess jay dubs are ruining their games, like when they brigaded the Wolfenstein 2 trailer for saying “Nazis are bad.”

It’s a good thing hardcore bros like yourself with awful taste in games stick around to tell em what’s up. 

Totally barking up the wrong tree there.

Have you played AC: Syndicate? Cause it has that.

Every asset in the game should be undoubtedly original.

Why does it matter if a shoe is an original or a purchased asset?

Why would I care if they made each object on their own? This sort of bullshit is why sane adults hate “hardcore gamers” and shitholes like reddit.

What would an artist debug?

Sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ isn’t the best solution.

You’re right that facing and discussing the issue is more important than simply pretending it doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, some of the people that do post such hateful messages do so for shits and giggles, thereby not being open to any sort of discussion whatsoever. What do you do then?
